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"Are you sure?" I ask, I look between Ryan who is holding North in his arms and then back to Gloria. She was going shopping and asked if I could tag along.

"You understand that I'm her Father and how good of a baby she is, correct? We'll be fine. You can go out and have some fun," he smiles. The corners of my mouth lift and I look at the two of them.

Of course I feel bad for leaving them. I sort of wished that he said that I couldn't go because I wanted to stay home today.

"I will," I grin. I look towards Gloria who is obviously ready to go. I'm quick to walk over to Ryan, give him a kiss goodbye and I even kiss North's forehead.

"See you later," I say. Ryan smiles, leans down and kisses me again. "I love you, have fun." He says.

"Love you too." I say, I hustle out the door after Gloria moments after. It's warm outside and I take in a deep breath. It smells like flowers.

I climb into the passenger side of the car. Gloria already called driving. I don't mind, I hate driving anyways. I settle in.

"Do you want to run by the baby store?" She asks. I turn towards her and furrow my eyebrows.

"I don't want to sound rude but North already has so much stuff that you bought her she couldn't possibly need any more." I grin. Gloria rolls her eyes.

"Not for North, baby." She says giggling lightly. We're on the road now and I'm in a bottle of nerves. "Have you not heard?" She grins wildly.

I shook my head. Clearly I haven't heard anything. "Please do tell." I smile. I suddenly feel nosey but I need to know now.

"Rayanne and her mate found out they are expecting!" She grins. I smile widely. I hadn't talked to Rayanne in such a long time, I need to speak to her soon. This makes my day so much better.

"Wow! This is great! How far along is she?" I ask. Gloria doesn't even have to think about it.

"She's already almost four months. I can't believe she kept it from everyone this long." Gloria sounds upset for a brief moment, but suddenly changes into a happier tone.

"You and Ryan aren't expecting again, are you?" She asks completely changing the subject to me. I chew on the inside of my cheek and shake my head.

"Oh, no. At least I hope not." I laugh a little. Mostly because of the embarrassment I felt talking about Ryan and I's love life.

"why not?" She asks.

"I mean, Ryan wants us to have a boy, but I don't think that I'm ready to go through another entire pregnancy and still have North as little as she is. But if it happens now, it happens. I guess well just let time decide when to have another one- if to have another one." I say. Ryan and I have had the discussion so many times.

He really wants a little boy. It's obvious that he adores North, but he wants a son to take over the pack, to look out for his sister.

"Yeah, but you know you'll want another one." She smiles.

"Your probably right. But right now I'm fine with the one I have." I smile.

"I know I am." Gloria grins, satisfied with my words. I roll my eyes. She's just as full of herself as Ryan is. I think it runs in there family.

"So, did you two have fun last night?" She asks. I groan and slid down into my seat.

We pull into the babies r' us parking lot, Gloria gets a parking spot just by the doors. "Can we please just talk about something else?" I ask.

I climb out of the car. The store isn't as busy as it usually is. "Of course. How about this, can I expect you to fall pregnant soon?" She asks.

I bite my tongue to keep myself from saying anything I don't want to. As we step into the building, a very pregnant woman is pushing out a buggy piled high with new baby stuff. The items keep falling from her basket and I feel bad for her.

She sniffles as if she had been crying. "Do you need some help?" I offer. She wipes her eyes and looks at me. I give her a soft smile.

"Would you?" She asks. I nod my head. I completely understand what it's like to be pregnant and not be able to do things like you could usually do. Like stand on your feet for a long time.

Gloria stops and turns to look at me. "I'll be inside as soon as I help her put this in her car." I smile.

"Thank you so much." She says, I push the buggy and rely on her to guide me to her car.

"It's fine," I grin.

"I know your wondering where the babies dad is at a time like this, so I'll just tell you that he hasn't been around for a few months." She says. I nod my head slowly.

"I'm really sorry." I say, she points to her car which is oddly parked in the back of the building. I brush it off and push on the car a little harder to get over a speed bump.

"Yeah, me too." She says as soon as I pass the corner of the building. A man has knocked me to the ground, knocking the basket over with it.

"What?" I ask. I furrow my eyebrows and hold my hand against my bleeding head. I'm dizzy now.

The man tries to grab at me when I stand and I swing at him. My fist connects with his cheek and I hear a crack.

He's not human. I growl at the pain that shoots from my knuckles. "Damnit!" He yells, he grabs at me and my elbow collides with his crotch. He shouts, I start to run away but his hand catches my shirt.

There's a ripping sound when that happens. I'm yanked backwards, my body slams down to the ground and my head hits the corner of the basket.

My vision is going black. "Get me the rope, she's going to bring in a lot of money."

I WANT TO GIVE A BIG THANK YOU TO  @BonitaRouge for the amazing cover! Look at more covers or request your own at

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