Twenty one

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I stared down at the ring on my finger, and blew out a breath to try and calm my heart rate down. We were finally leaving the place, after everyone talking to the two of us. I just can't calm down from how excited I am.

Ryan climbed into the car, and pushed the key into the engine. I lifted my eyes back up to him, to find him staring at me with a smile on his face. Leaning across the car, our lips touched in a sweet kiss.

I could feel how his heart rate was beating, and could hear it through my ears. It was calming, he pulled away and turned on the car completely, and leaned back in his seat.

"Was this all a set up?" I asked, pulling my lip between my teeth. He grinned as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, my mom and dad's 30th isn't until like, November." His hand cupped mine, and he squeezed it lightly.

"Oh, yeah, there kinda sorta might be a party later on tonight.." Ryan grinned again. I inwardly groaned, and closed my eyes.

"When we get home, can we finish what we started?" Ryan laughed lightly, and I pressed my head against the window. A smile creeping into my face again.

"What you started." I corrected. He was the one that came onto me, and I made him stop. "But I look so nice," I looked down at my dress, and touched my curled hair.

"But you always look better, naked."


"Stop," I moaned, tiredly. He buried his head into my neck, and breathed out just as tired. A small, but audible, chuckle came from him.

"I can't get enough of you." His cool lips hit the hot skin just above my mark, and he breathed again.

"Your hearts going to explode, stop." I sighed. My body was aching by how many times me and him did it in the past hour. He was trying to go for round seven. His heart was beating so hard I could feel it as he laid on top of me. He was working himself to death.

"I would, if I could." He growled in my ear, and a soft sigh escaped my lips. He was right, he couldn't help it that my wolf was in heat. He was just doing what my wolf wanted, and needed.

It's hurting, stop. I tried to get through to my wolf, and only earned a growl from her.

"I'm hurting you?" He asked, lifting his head from my neck to meet my face. I slowly nodded my head yes, and pulled his head back down towards mine.

"I'm fine, though. I promise." I breathed. I was completely exhausted, and needed to just rest. Kissing his cheek, he finally replied with a small, "okay," I know how he got when I was hurting, and he was blaming himself for it.

"You ruined my hair." I joked, and laid there for a minute, feeling our hot bodies stick together.

"That's the price of making love, love." He climbed off of me and took my hand in his pulling me off the bed. Carrying me bridal style to the bathroom, he turned on the water as hot as I liked it and placed me inside on my feet.

"Shower, stinky," he smirked, and slapped my rear before exiting the bathroom again.

The party was completely awful, considering how tired I was. I stayed down there for maybe an hour, then I disappeared upstairs and fell asleep.

The possessive alphaWhere stories live. Discover now