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I'm thinking there will only be about 10-15 chapters left. I just don't really have much left in my mind for in between chapters. I just want this book to end already tbh. It's not my favorite. But there will be a sequel and it will be so much better than this one ever has. I honestly don't even think anyone really enjoys reading this story anymore :/ I might just go through and edit every chapter after it's completed. Anyways, sorry for getting in between the chapters, enjoy.


I stared at the figure lying in my arms. Her pale cheeks were flushed pink, and her eyebrows were knotted together. She's so cute when she's asleep. Hell she's cute any other time too.

"What's going on in your mind?" I wondered out loud. One of my fingers brushed against her head and she shifted lightly. What was she feeling?

I knew the thought of her not being able to have a child hurt. But I didn't think it would bring her to her breaking point. I knew that she had thought she was too weak for me. She couldn't be any stronger.

She had time and time again be pushed around, hit her breaking point, and come back. Not to mention how many times she's gotten past her fate. She was a go getter. I could rely on her and she could rely on me. That's exactly how I liked it.

"Would you forgive me if I just gave up everything?" I wondered. If I just gave up this role to someone else, and just to run away with her for the rest of my life. The thought rang through my head for quite some time before I carefully slid out of bed and out the door.

As much as I wanted to sit and stare at her, I had things I needed to get done. The hallways were silent and my footsteps echoed as I made my way down the stairs.

"Ryan!" I heard Anne call. My head shot in the direction of my sister. Her face was covered with worry, and she was paler than a ghost.

"Ryan, it's mom." The words hit me harder than I thought they should have. Panic ran through every nerve inside of my body. God, I knew by the tone of her voice something was wrong.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked, squeezing my mother's hand. She flinched at my grip and shook her head. Like she wasn't going to tell me. I continued to stare at her, and sighed.

"I didn't want your worried, Ry. You have to worry about the pack, and the wedding, and Taylor.." She continued to ramble but I stopped her short.

"But your my mother, I always have time for you. God, mom if you would have just told me!" My mind was battling with itself. I stared down at her and ran a hand through her hair. There was a small silence.

"What could you have done?" She croaked. "There's nothing that can or could have saved me from this Ryan, you've got to understand that! I didn't want you worrying because," she sighed.

"Ryan please don't get so worked up." She squeezed my hand back and I shook my head. Sure my blood was pumping from stress right now, but that was the least of my worries.

"I'm a big girl, I can tough this out. You outa know that. They've just made me a little sick from the kemo I'll be up in no time." She gave me a quick smile and I shook my head. A cough came from her throat and she sighed.

I gave her a unsure smile, and raised to my feet. Leaning over I kissed her forehead and whispered a I love you before turning and walking out the door. There wasn't much else I really could do.

How do I cope with everything that's happened? The pack, Taylor's sake, and for god sakes my fucking mother now? I don't think I can take any more right now. The fact that what the doctor said kills me.

I would never be able to tell my own mother though. God. I would fall to pieces, and I wouldn't have anyone to put them back together. This is what I get for being soft. This is what I get for trying to be nice.

I balled my fist and hit the closest wall. I continued to beat it, swing after swing. Hoping that it would somehow take away my anger. Even when my knuckles busted I didn't stop.

I was late, but when I stepped into the training arena at seven am sharp, everyone stared. I was alone, in a venerable state ready to rip the heads off anyone who wanted to even say something back.

"Starting now, warm ups aren't going to be two laps and kitty cats. They're going to be hard. They're going to make you into the warriors your supposed to be. No whining or complaining- I'm not going to deal with any of that shit today." I snapped. My arms crossed over my chest and a serious manner. Peoples faces looked at me to see if I was joking or not.

Fingertips touched my bicep, and I didn't even have to turn to know who they belonged to. "Three hundred laps." I ordered. "What if your chasing something for a long time? You need to get used to running long distances." I snapped. "Go."

"Don't you think that's too harsh?" She asked. She gripped my chin and made me look at her. I narrowed my eyes and blew out a breath. Jerking away from her eyes I stared back out to my men.

"They need it, Taylor." I gritted my teeth. My muscles tensed as she touched my body again. God, I just wanted to be left alone.

"Your going to push them too far Ryan!" She argued. Her fingers lightly touching my chest. Did she just raise her voice at me? I growled lowly, and shoved her hands off of my body.

"You don't get a say in what I do with my pack." I snapped. Narrowing my eyes at her. I wanted to take back what I said but there was no way in hell I was apologizing to her.

She growled back. "I am luna of this pack Ryan! I am your equal!" Something had sparked deep inside of her that I hadn't seen before.

"Your too weak." I said. I stopped abruptly, my wolf was breaking through. He had said what I didn't want to say. I watched as her lower lip quivered but she didn't show any other signs of hurt.

"I hope your fucking happy Ryan. I don't know what the hell has gotten into you but I don't like it." Taylor shoved me to the side and walked back into the house. I could almost see the heat coming from her body at how angry she was.

I turned back to my warriors, and growled. "What the hell are you staring at? Get to running!"

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