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I could relate to Lucas watching someone he loved die. I mean I went thought the same circumstances, but my family wasn't suicidal. All together we both could relate to watching out loved ones lose their lives. Even if they took them themselves. It was hard to think about losing Ryan like Lucas lost lucifer. I didn't know how to react. Next time I saw Lucas I promised myself I would hug him until his eyes popped out of his head. He did save my life.

I shifted in the uncomfortable back seat of the car and groaned. Ryan's grip around my body tightened and a low growl escaped. The driver, Gloria, chuckled warmly. "He's been doing that since he found you. Won't let anyone come near you, not even me." She surpressed a sigh.

"Where are we?" I choked. The roads looked all wrong, and I was a little dizzy. She shook her head softly and gave me a confused look from the rear view mirror. "Home?"


"You both have been out for about two hours, we should be home in less than five minutes." She commented. I nodded, and rested my head back on Ryan's shoulders.

His mother and I didn't really have a lot to talk about. I had nothing against her, but she and I just didn't exactly click. The fact that she lied to me made me upset, and what made me more upset is the fact that Ryan lied to me too. Even though he saved me doesn't get him off so easy.

I stared up at Ryan who was sleeping peacefully. It looked like he hadn't slept in days due to the way his eyes hung. His face wasn't cleanly shaven like he usual had it, and his hair was a mess of dirt and grease. Through his uncleanliness, he still looked handsome. His eyelashes bordered his eyes, and his lips were slightly parted.

He growled again, and this time a smile grew on his face. His eyes never once opened, but he shifted his head against the window. "I can't sleep if you keep staring at me." He sounded as exhausted as he looked. I'm glad I wasn't the only one that didn't get any rest at all.

"Alright, you two go get some sleep in a bed. I'll go tell your father your home and with Taylor, everyone else should be arriving soon." Ryan reluctantly climbed out of the car with me in his arms. I grumbled lightly, and pressed against his chest.

"I can walk ya know?" He paused at the door step and looked down at me. A gave me a tired grin before shaking his head no. "I don't want you to."

okay.... I closed my eyes, and before I knew it I was being placed on the bed. When I squinted to see what time it was. 5:21 am.

"Raise your arms up," Ryan mumbled. I reluctantly did as I was told, and he pulled the old shirt from my body. I didn't even get bothered by the fact I was naked in from of him. I was too tired. He pulled a black shirt over my head, and then climbed into the bed next to me.

Once his arms surrounded my body, I fell back into a deep sleep.

When I couldn't sleep any longer, I attempted to sit up in bed. I was happy that I was back home, and Ryan was here to protect me but him holding me captive like this seemed a little ridiculous.

I continued to shift uncomfortably in his arms. Finally, a yell escaped my lips when his grip tightened around my ribs. Ryan quickly loosened his grip and his eyes popped open.

As much as I wanted to kiss him and cry into his arms I shied away. I couldn't help but pick at the shirt covering my body as he stared at me. It felt strange. I felt out of place and I didn't know why. Maybe it's because of what they did to me, and now I'm laying in bed next to Ryan. I felt like a whore. I couldn't help it. I didn't want them to do it to me, but I couldn't stop them.

I needed to tell him, but I was afraid to. I didn't know why. The fact that him rejecting me even crossed my mind made me sick to my stomach. He wanted me, if he didn't he wouldn't have come looking for me. My heart ached from the truth I wasn't going to say to Ryan. I couldn't.

I didn't know how he would react. Nor did I want to know. I saw how angry he could get when something happened to me. I couldn't make him that angry again. It would be the death of him. There was a tension building in the air as he continued to stare at me.

A uncomfortable shiver ran down my spine. His fingertips lightly cupped my face and turned me head to meet his eyes. When our eyes locked the feeling of love filled my body. I missed him, god how I missed him. The tenderness in his touch made me want to feel his lips against mine again.

I watched his baby blue eyes flicked to my lips for a split second, but when he leaned forward his lips touched my forehead. My heart beat quickened. I threw my arms around his neck, and slowly leaned my face into his. I had to kiss him. I needed to. It felt like I was dying from being without it. When our lips touched, it felt like a fire ignited all over again.

It was soft, and sweet. It wasn't one full of lust, but a passion for one another. The longing to feel each other again. I pulled away at an appropriate time, and closed my eyes. My head fell onto his chest, and I listened to his steady heart beat.

"Nothing, will ever come close to you again. I'm so sorry, Taylor. For everything." His nose nuzzled against my neck, his soft approach made me crane my neck for him.

'mine.' He whispered, before his teeth marked my body all over again.


I sort of liked this so it's pretty much just a filler chapter. I owe you all something for such a long wait. I just don't really have any good ideas for what to happen next. I'll think of something.

BUT, I'm working on another story that I will be posting soon. If you wouldn't mind checking it out that would be great (:

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