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The world moved in slow motion as the lights blurred her vision and a loud ringing shot throughout the air.

"Bekah! Becks?!" Robert held onto her shoulders gently as she slowly raised up "The sidelines aren't supposed to be dangerous!" She heard James snapping at the players who knocked her down.

"I'm fine, just the air was knocked out of me." She whispered out as Robert slowly helped her up.

"Is she okay?" James stormed over and grabbed her examining her "She said she just had the wind knocked out of her." James looked at Robert chewing on his bottom lip.

"Take her home, we can finish out tonight." James glared at the Fern Valley player who had knocked into Bekah with one of his own players "No, we're staying. I'm fine." Bekah looked at James who sighed.

"I want you off the sidelines tonight." James looked into her eyes letting her know he was serious and she nods slowly "Just win tonight, please?" He gave her a soft smile.

"You heard the lady boys, let's win!" Bekah moved to the side of the stands as the game finally picked back up.

Bekah watched the game as she saw James purposely going after the player who knocked her down. Bekah heard a noise and looked behind her to see Devon.

"What're you doing here?" She asked curiously.

"It's a football game, I came to watch. Are you okay?" Bekah nods slowly "Yeah, I am. Thanks." Devon started to walk past her but she stopped him slowly grabbing his wrist and making sure to grab it lightly.

"What?" He asks looking back at her.

"Why are so defensive?" She asks and he slowly let himself relax down.

"Is what Harrison's sister said true?" Bekah was caught off guard as she looked at him.

"Sara? She talked to you?" Bekah questioned making him nod "Yeah went on a whole rant about you and Robert being toxic." He crossed his arms as he faced her and she looked down at the ground.

"Let me guess, James promised Robert football fame and then turned him into a toxic person?" Devon raised an eyebrow "Not exactly." Devon answered.

"Look the true story is Robert and Harrison were best friends in middle school, they tried out for football together freshman year and Harrison didn't make the cut but Robert did. Sara has hated me and Robert since then." Bekah explained letting a sigh out.

"You and your brother make enemies a lot?" Devon found himself intrigued and he didn't know why.

"No. Sara and Harrison just hate us now." Bekah admitted Devon stepped closer to her his head tilted to the side.

"What is it with you and James? Robert said it's complicated." Bekah swallowed as she looked at him.

"Nothing. What is it with you and just staring at us?" Devon looked at her knowing there was more to both stories.

"Trying to understand." Devon turned to walk away but stopped himself.

"Bekah?" She hummed in response.

"That book was exactly what she wanted, thanks." Bekah got a small smile and nodded before realizing he couldn't see her "You're welcome." And with that he walked away.

Bekah was curious about him now at this point, he was kind and sweet that day they met until she saw him fighting that guy in streets. She let out a heavy sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair.

She had a slight headache from the fall earlier, but she didn't want to scare anyone. Especially not Robert.

"Becks?!" She peaked up around the stands and saw Robert with his helmet off and fear drenching his eyes.

"Hey, I'm still fine." He backed off of the fence as she walked over and nodded.

"The games almost over with. We are winning and James is kicking ass." Robert looked at her.

"Should you be on the field?" Bekah asked and he shrugged "Yeah, but I put Antonio out there so I can check on you." Robert admitted.

"Huntsman! Get back on the field!" The coach yelled causing Robert to jump.

"Go win this thing."

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