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Victor's pov:
I'm tired from today's lecture, history the most boring subject ever in the world but I still have to do it because of my brother the king. God sometimes I want to kill him but he's still my family the one who took care of me ever since our parents got killed
I don't remember a lot of them since I was 5 when everything happen between both kingdoms but whatever I have to finish this paper....but what time is? 11:30 pm ughhhh I want to sleep already, you know what I'm just going to close my eyes just for 1 minute and finish it after....

Somewhere in Victor's dreams:
Woowwww where Im I, ohh (°o°:) Im dreaming huh, weird this place looks familiar but where doe. Well now I'm interested in this dream but why I'm I wearing different clothes and WHO IS THAT!!!! (Random thing running at him)
Fuck I need to hide, the grass it's high enough that thing won't find me

Narrator pov:
The mysterious figure runs up the hill looking for Victor, looking around the thing stops when it saw victors hiding place.Victor was about to move but got pushed down by heavy force,he was freaking out when he saw the mysterious thing pull out it's hand victor didn't know if he should take out his hand but he's mind was telling him to grab the it's hand ,when victor took his hand out the mysterious figure placed a ruby necklace on victors palm , he was confused on why the figure give it to him

Victor was about to move but got pushed down by heavy force,he was freaking out when he saw the mysterious thing pull out it's hand victor didn't know if he should take out his hand but he's mind was telling him to grab the it's hand ,when victor ...

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(The necklace that victor got)
Victors POV:
Why did it give me a necklace,I looked up and saw the creatur-girl!!!! What the heck a girl and why is she smiling.I don't know what to say I thought it was a monster or something but a person,she looks unreal her dress white and red flowers around it sparkling like the water when the Sun rays passed hitting the water , i was going to ask her something but everything started turning dark then i started to feel dizzy out of nowhere.

I don't know what to say I thought it was a monster or something but a person,she looks unreal her dress white and red flowers around it sparkling like the water when the Sun rays passed hitting the water , i was going to ask her something but eve...

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The place were victor appeared (it's so cute ♥(ノ'∀')

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