Practice time

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Narrator pov:Has the sun rays started to shine in the Zariya kingdom,everyone started waking up expect Evan

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Narrator pov:
Has the sun rays started to shine in the Zariya kingdom,everyone started waking up expect Evan. He was up the whole night thinking on what Ari said he was disappointed on himself after what he did.

He got up and looked outside the window to see the light coming in."god I was a dumbass for not letting listening to them"Evan said to himself taking a deep breath as he was looking at the view he heard a knock at the door and said to come in.

He turned around to see Victor in front of the desk"Oh I'm surprised ur up since you usually wake up late" Victor looked at him and smiled "yeah shocking isn't it but that isn't the reason I'm here"
Victor said to him.

He looked at his brother with serious look "what is it then Victor?"He said to his brother but Victor couldn't say anything and that made Evan question what his brother was going to ask him but he knew he was going to take a while to tell him what was happening.

"sooo are you going to tell me or stand their forever Victor?"He said to him and it made Victor bring his mind back from dreamland "oh sorry brother,I was going to ask if you could help me practice on my strength"Victor said to Evan.

He didn't want to tell his brother about unlocking his powers but he had to find a way to see if Evan had powers as his sisters.

Evan looked at him and was surprised his brother wanted to practice with him it's been a long time he taught him how to fight "yeah sure I can teach you Victor but why of a sudden you want to practice with me?"Evan asked just to make Victor more worried on how to answer him.

He knew his brother to well that he can see the truth just from a lie.He took a deep breath and looked at Evan eye to eye
Victor:the reason is that I want to get better at helping everyone I know that's why I want you to help me train brother.
Victor looked at him to see if it worked,Evan was thinking about it and knowing his brother well something was off what he said.

He got up and walked up to Victor looking at him,Victor started getting nervous on how Evan looked at still with a serious look.

As couple of minutes of quietness passed Evan looked away and started laughing and made Victors' nervous get crazy bad.

Evan:Okay I will train you then brother
Evan said to Victor and made finally relaxed what his brother said,Victor looked at the cloak to see it was about to 7 and knew everyone was up already so he had go to back to his room.

"Thanks Evan you won't regret" He said walking to the door and opening it but was stopped from Evan's voice "Victor"Victor turned around to see his brother with his serious look .

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