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Narrator pov:
The night became a nightmare as Mari's memory's came back like a thunderstorm coming down, she was hugging her knees crying quietly as lightning crashing down she got up and looked at the window she thought she saw her friends standing their looking at her.

She panicked slowly backed up and bumped into something as she turned and didn't know what to say the only thing that came out of her was a cold breath of smoke in front of her friends standing their looking dead.

"How are you here"mari said to them but no respond.They we're quite until Legacy started walking until stopped in front of the window and started making a symbol in the cold glass, Mari walked up to Legacy and notice the symbol she was making

They we're quite until Legacy started walking until stopped in front of the window and started making a symbol in the cold glass, Mari walked up to Legacy and notice the symbol she was making

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"The cipher kingdom" Mari said "Are you guys their?" she asked them but half of them said no, Ruby went up and started making another symbol

"The cipher kingdom" Mari said "Are you guys their?" she asked them but half of them said no, Ruby went up and started making another symbol

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"I never seen that symbol before" mari told her but once she turned around they disappeared only to see dark fog vanishing into the air.
When it was morning, Evan woke up first then got ready when he was finished he went to the horse stable quickly got his horse and looked behind him and saw Joseph in the window nodding at Evan as nodded back he left quickly on his horse to somewhere that he had to visit. When arriving he noticed something different he looked around but nothing.

Evan pov:"I know ur here so come out at already"i said but just the sound of water passing "Well Well isn't it a surprise Evan that you finally came here , how many years as it been mm 2,6 or 9 oh wait I remember 15 years Evan Fucking 15 years

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Evan pov:
"I know ur here so come out at already"i said but just the sound of water passing "Well Well isn't it a surprise Evan that you finally came here , how many years as it been mm 2,6 or 9 oh wait I remember 15 years Evan Fucking 15 years.If you want to leave alive tell me why ur here or dear god I will kill you and leave your rotting body in front of the castle!"she said to me "I want to know why Mari Elysian princess is in my kingdom!" I yelled at her then appearing in front of me

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