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Victor pov:
I felt something poking me with a stick I opened my eyes and saw four kids looking at me and started laughing at they ran up the stairs, i got up and started following them as I was catching them up they stopped infront of the water

Victor pov:I felt something poking me with a stick I opened my eyes and saw four kids looking at me and started laughing at they ran up the stairs, i got up and started following them as I was catching them up they stopped infront of the water

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I look around and saw the same girl from my dreams here. "Are you not going to help or ur going to stand their looking at me the whole time "she said,I didn't know what to say to her since my head was foggy so I went up to her and bring a bag as we put in the dock, she got in the water with the kids expect one of them I looked at her she seemed scared going to into the water.

I moved to her side and asked her why she wasn't in the water she looked at me "I don't know how swim"she said, I told her if she wanted to learn how to she told me yes, we both jumped in the water she started "ready"I tell her she looked nervous but ready to take the challenge.

After a few lessons on teaching her she started getting better and more confident she got, her friends looked at her and started cheering on her as well the mystery girl.

Narrator pov:
Victor wondered what her name and started spacing out until he got splashed that took him out of his mind,he was looking who splashed and found out it was the mystery girl she started laughing as well the kids.

"You really want to know my name Victor" Victor was thinking on how she knew what he was thinking she smirked "my name is Mari"she told him while playing with the younger ones, Victor looked as them but felt weird and started to see allusions of his parents walking with them, he fell down into the water.

He got up and started coughed up he thought he died but he was back in his room, the sun rays were going through the windows, he got up and went to get ready.

~Victor outfit~

He walked downstairs and saw his siblings eating breakfast but they were more people than usual ,he asked Joseph who they were and told him it was the cipher kingdom they came to visit,he sat down in his place

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He walked downstairs and saw his siblings eating breakfast but they were more people than usual ,he asked Joseph who they were and told him it was the cipher kingdom they came to visit,he sat down in his place.

While everyone was enjoying breakfast,Evan asked if his siblings if they could show the Cipher children the palace they said yes when everyone was done with breakfast Evan and the ciphers went to the study room to talk about important things while the younger ones were showing the cipher kids around the palace,they were amazed how everything looked and later went to the garden to talk about something.

Narrator pov:
Raven ask if they could show something at them ,the oldest one Spectra said yes you can ask us,Victor took out the book and showed them they were shocked when they saw it "How did you find this Book?"Dayna looked at us "we found this book in are library,we thought you guys had the answers on this book"Luna told them.

As she give them the book , Sirena opened the book and saw their ancestors together and saw the language she stared at it for a while until she found out something important "Dayna & Elissa look it's Lizzie's handwriting"they both looked and smiled and started reading it.

When they were done Elissia told them that Lizzie had hidden a map on Cipher kingdom that takes us to the place where the three of them left something important if the kingdoms broke the promise.They went back to inside and asked Evan if they could go to the Cipher kingdom this weekend.

He looked and ask if they could go to their kingdom "yes it's fine with us,you can come to the kingdom for the weekend" said King cipher.
The day passed and the cipher's had to go back to their kingdom,Luna told Sirena to take book so she can look at and find clues around the kingdom,they said their goodbyes and went to back inside to go eat dinner.

Cerise pov:
We're eating dinner and I was thinking on what Elissa said about the map that could help us bring our kingdoms together back in harmony but it will be a challenge "Why do you guys want to go the Cipher kingdom out of nowhere?"said Evan to us we looked at each other and didn't know what to say until Luna told him that we wanted to go see it since we haven't been their,good thing he believed it.

I went to the library to check something,I closed the door quietly and walked inside but saw Joseph in front waiting for answers "oh hi Joseph what are you doing" I nervously said "Cerise why are you up at this hour it's late and tomorrow you have lessons"he said "I'm looking for something that's why".

He looked at me and knew I was up to something "okay cerise go find what you need I will give you five minutes then straight to bed got it" "thank you and yes Joseph I will" I go straight to the family tree book to check on something after that I tell goodnight Joseph and leave the library.

I close my door and open the book in bed and start looking for Zariya but nothing appeared but why there's nothing about her in the book Jesus I will look at it tomorrow I'm going to bed.

Narrators pov:
When everyone was sleeping peacefully midnight until a screamed appeared out of nowhere making someone wake up by it and went to go check it was .They left the castle grabbed a torch and went to the dark forest to find the scream.

They left the castle grabbed a torch and went to the dark forest to find the scream

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