The dark truth

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Narrator pov:Victor started following the figure just to see it going deeper into the forest he knew something was wrong but he had find out why

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Narrator pov:
Victor started following the figure just to see it going deeper into the forest he knew something was wrong but he had find out why.

While walking Victor started to notice that the forest looked different when he entered,temples were appearing abandoned by their people but it was covered up by plants growing but what happened here everyone is gone and everything is abandoned he started thinking until the figure stoped front of a temple door.

Victor started walking to it until the figure vanished in thin air "what the hell"Victor said confused on why it just disappeared "What is this?"he said touching door trying to find away to open until it opened by itself,he had some doubts but walked in quickly so he wouldn't look back.

Victor started walking to it until the figure vanished in thin air "what the hell"Victor said confused on why it just disappeared "What is this?"he said touching door trying to find away to open until it opened by itself,he had some doubts but wal...

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Romana pov:
"What was that noise"I said to myself I send my helpers to check what it was and came back to discover someone as trespassed in my temple wait I remembered I sent my helper to find Mari to bring her here it's probably her then.

I quickly went down to talk to her as I landed a familiar scent hit me but something was off about it just to see a guy in front of me "what the hell this isn't Mari I'm really getting tired from getting the wrong people,next time I'm going to go find them" I tell myself .

"Who are you and why did that thing bring me here?"he asked "That thing is my helper and who the hell are you?"i ask him just to take out sword and pointed at me this looks familiar "You answer my question who are you?" He asked again I just rolled my eyes and started walking up to he looked he was about to hit me but I just laughed at him and knew where this same thing happened to me.

"You're Evan's brother right?" I ask him just to make him more tense "How do you know my brother?"he asked "We were friends back in the days"I say to him and became less tense "Explain why you brought me here"he asked.

"Well i sent my helper bring Mari but instead I got you but who are you doe I know ur Evan's brother but I don't know which one?"i ask him "I'm Victor,I'm the second oldest"Victor said "ohh wow you changed a lot since the last time I saw you" I tell him with a smile ~remembering how he looked so cute when he was younger and now what the hell did Evan feed him he looks so different now than before well good looks do run in their family god im getting distracted by his looks~I just snapped out of it.

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