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Narrator pov:The group stayed with the four girls,waiting for Mari but heard screaming coming from the kingdom making them quickly react "Mari is in danger,we have to go save her" Luna said but Victor stoped her

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Narrator pov:
The group stayed with the four girls,waiting for Mari but heard screaming coming from the kingdom making them quickly react "Mari is in danger,we have to go save her" Luna said but Victor stoped her.

"Im not letting you guys go,you have to warn Evan about Lucas" Victor said to them "Fine will go but what about them?" Raven asked looking at the four girls worried.

"Take them with you their better safe instead being here" Victor said to them making the four girls following the triplets to the secret route "I'm coming Mari" Victor said running to Mari.

"I give you everything and just for what get betrayed at the end by the person I trusted and loved!" Mari yelled at him kicking Alexander in the stomach "Get over it already!" He said to her running up to her deflecting Alexander and moving back.

"How can I,you cheated on me with Eveline then killing our child you really think I'm going to get over it!" She yelled pushing him back with her sword "Then killing my parents and framing that it was Victor's Family!" She said hitting in the face her elbow making Alexander fall back trying to get up.

Mari placed her foot on his chest making not get up "Victor ha is that your new boyfriend" He said making Mari put more pressure on his chest "He is and he's better than you.

Also where's Eveline Alexander did ur beloved left you behind"She said to him with a smirk making Alexander look up to so sign of Eveline.

"She's probably going back to ur Kingdom telling ur family how your the disappointment of the Family" she said with a serious tone grabbing the sword pointing at Alexander heart but was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Mari" she heard turning to see Victor in front of the entrance making Alexander push Mari top of her grabbing her quickly and putting the sword by throat "Leave her alone" Victor said making a fist "So ur the famous Victor,Mari's new lover" Alexander said laughing to him.

"Victor didn't tell you stay safe" she said to him trying her best to get out of his grip "I heard screaming and knew I had to come" he said to her "Mmm I'm surprised you like him Mari but oh well say bye to him since you won't see him ever again!".

Alexander said but pushed back from major force making hit the thrown.Mari got up to see Victor with devil eyes "Mari are you fine?" He asked running up to her making Mari hug him quickly.

"I'm fine Victor" she said to him making hug her back but Victor looked up to see Alexander running up to them making push Mari out of the way "Victor!" Mari yelled seeing Victor stabbed by Alexander.

Taking out the sword making Victor drop back Mari quickly ran up him seeing his stab wound on his chest making her cry "No no Victor you will be fine please stay with me" Mari said ripping the bottom of the dress so she could stop the blood coming out the wound.

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