The demon within

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Alexander pov:
I can't believe she used it,I thought I got rid of it once her parents died but seems like it didn't leave her oh well this going to be easy she probably forgot how to use them.I got up and said to my guards to kill her no matter what happens,I take off my coat and take out my sword

"Let's finish this already" I yell mari standing up I knew she couldn't use her powers since I sealed it up

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"Let's finish this already" I yell mari standing up I knew she couldn't use her powers since I sealed it up. My guards went ran up to her ready to attack her but all of them fell down to the ground with slash in their chest bleeding out "Alexander,you really think ur "promise" work to sealed my power?"she said as she started walking up to me.

"I had to do it so you wouldn't get in my way to take over your kingdom"I said to her as I was going to kill her but grabbed the blade and stoped me "Sweetheart you really think you can kill me"she said while laughing.

"My dad had demon ancestors and my mom had angel ancestors, and they couldn't believe it their daughter had mix ancestors so when they found out my powers my parents said only use when it's emergency or ...." She went near my ear and said

"When you're done being nice" and felt a sharp pain in my abdominal "how could you do this to me" I said to her as she pulled out her knife and kicked me down my vision started getting blurry the only thing I heard from her was.

"you broke my heart,killed my parents and killed our child ALEXANDER!" and started walking back to her friends and left me in the rain until the guards found me.

Legacy pov: "Mari are you okay"I ask her but she started having a breakdown "shhhh where with you,you're not alone anymore"I tell her and started walking back to the forest "Whitney can you make a portal so we wouldn't get lost here?" I ask and sh...

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Legacy pov:
"Mari are you okay"I ask her but she started having a breakdown "shhhh where with you,you're not alone anymore"I tell her and started walking back to the forest "Whitney can you make a portal so we wouldn't get lost here?" I ask and she nodded.

"guys I can't make it"she said to us and saw the ground glowing blue "mari wake up"said Violet trying to wake her up but I started feeling tired out of nowhere I looked at them falling asleep and passed out in the middle of the forest.

 "guys I can't make it"she said to us and saw the ground glowing blue "mari wake up"said Violet trying to wake her up but I started feeling tired out of nowhere I looked at them falling asleep and passed out in the middle of the forest

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Victor pov:
Where are they ? I ask to myself and started thinking on how they haven't been back and it's o most midnight too, I looked around and saw some type of fog coming up but it wasn't a ordinary fog it was glowing blue.

I went down to wake up them to leave now, "Raven wake up"I said to her while shacking her and started waking up "W-what?"she said while her vision came back "we have to leave now!" I tell her as I woke up Sirena "What's happening?" said Luna rubbing her eyes "we have to go there's something coming"I tell them as Sirena woke up and started waking up her sisters.

"Where's Mari and her friends?"asked Sirena "I don't know,when I woke up they were gone"I said to them leaving the cave.When we're outside the cave,we started walking in the forest looking for them "Guys i found them"said Elissa and ran up to them but when I went to go check on mari they were passed out cold and saw her palm she had deep cut "what happened to them" asked Luna.

"I don't know" I said to her but then out of nowhere we heard bells ringing "Do you guys here that"Cerise said as the bells we're getting close to us "Stay quite" Dayna said and stayed quit "I think it left" I said and got mari "Victor,i think they got into trouble"said Luna.

"Why do you say that?" I ask her "They seem like they were running away from the storm that is passing by but why are they passed out ?"she said but we started to hear the bells again and saw smoke coming to us " guys cover your selfs" I said to them but saw my vision start to get blurry "Victor we have to go" said Raven but she was stopped from the sound of the Bells making faint "what the hell is happening!" Said Luna and stoped to see something but I couldn't see anything anymore.

 "Why do you say that?" I ask her "They seem like they were running away from the storm that is passing by but why are they passed out ?"she said but we started to hear the bells again and saw smoke coming to us " guys cover your selfs" I said to ...

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Luna pov:
{Why is this happening}I asked my self,I started to hear those bells again but it didn't effect me like them "Who are you and what to do you want!" I yell at it.I looked around just to see smoke nothing else unless.

I started consecrating and felt something on my back burning and saw a person by the trees releasing the smoke also making the bell rings "what have you done to them" I asked it but just the figure walking up to me holding a skull lantern

 "who are you?"i asked "Im Rochelle"she asked taking off her vail "You're Luna,Evan's sibling I'm i correct" she questioned but how does she know who I am "Yes I am but how do you know my name?" "I have meet you when you were a baby"she said as sh...

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"who are you?"i asked "Im Rochelle"she asked taking off her vail "You're Luna,Evan's sibling I'm i correct" she questioned but how does she know who I am "Yes I am but how do you know my name?" "I have meet you when you were a baby"she said as she moved the skull and retreated the smoke.

"Wait how did you know we've here? I asked her "I your friends needing help when they were running from the guards at Elysian kingdom" she said "Where are you from" "I'm from another kingdom that you need special ability to find my kingdom" Rochelle said as she rang the skull and started making a portal.

"You will come with me and I well show you how to use your power"she said and saw people coming out of the portal Rochelle was telling them something but I couldn't understand what she was saying to them.

"your friends and siblings will be coming with us too"said to me as the people carried them into the portal "I will go but you will show me the truth about our powers" I tell Rochelle and followed her inside the portal to a new place.

 "your friends and siblings will be coming with us too"said to me as the people carried them into the portal "I will go but you will show me the truth about our powers" I tell Rochelle and followed her inside the portal to a new place

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