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Narrator pov:Today was the day,the start of the lantern festival making the triplets excited "Finally today is the big" Luna said as she ran down the stares "I'm ready to eat so many things especially the starlight cakes" Cerise said following Lun...

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Narrator pov:
Today was the day,the start of the lantern festival making the triplets excited "Finally today is the big" Luna said as she ran down the stares "I'm ready to eat so many things especially the starlight cakes" Cerise said following Luna to the dinning room.

"I'm excited the most to see our outfits that Joseph designed us,ahhhh" Raven said following her sisters jumping up and down just to wake up Victor looking dead "WTF is tha-oh Victor you look interesting...." Luna said first but god covered by Ravens hand to shut her up.

"I'm sick you brats" Victor said coughing up "Good morning everyone" Mari said walking up to Victor but he started checking on Mari making her confused "Umm is something wrong?" She asked him making him look up to her "O-oh I thought you will be sick since we were swimming late" Victor said to her making the triplets ears perk up.

"I thought the same thing but I'm perfectly fine" Mari said to him "Did you get sick?" She said with a worry tone "No just tired since I couldn't sleep" he said to her making Mari less worry.

As they went to the dinning room they were surprised that Evan wasn't their expect Lucas he was already their playing with something "Good morning guys" Lucas said to them "Good morning Lucas,where's Evan?" Victor asked him.

"He has to finish up some things for the festival" Lucas said to them "Good morning ur majesty" Joseph said bringing out a tray with their breakfast "good morning Joseph" all of them said to him waiting for him to finish up serving breakfast.

"Joseph do you know where's Evan?" Luna asked him "He had some important things to finish" he said serving her a cup of tea "Do you know what it is Joseph?" Raven asked him.

"Sorry ur majesty I really don't know what ur brother is doing since he was in a hurry" Joseph said to her making the triplets curious about it.As Joseph finished up serving breakfast.

"Well then breakfast is serve ur majesty,if you need anything else you know where to go" Joseph said as he was walking to the kitchen but was stopped by Evan running up to him making everyone looking at both of them.

"Good morning everyone umm Joseph we have some guest over" Evan said to him making everyone confused "Who arrived?" Lucas said walking up to Evan "Remember when my parents wanted me to get arrange marriage" Evan said to both of them.

"Yeah I remember,why?"Lucas said to him putting his hand on his hip "Well they here but not for me" Evan said to them "So why are they here then?" Lucas asked him making Evan take a deep breath.

"They want their daughter to marry Victor" Evan said making the triplets and Victor spit out their drinking making Mari worried about them "What!" Victor said to him "You want me to have an arrange marriage!"he yelled at Evan.

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