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Narrator pov: Walking back Victor noticed something was off about is surroundings he knew that he had to hurry up and go back to the castle,as he ran in the path he heard a noise that was coming closer to him he moved his head to side to see arrow...

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Narrator pov:
Walking back Victor noticed something was off about is surroundings he knew that he had to hurry up and go back to the castle,as he ran in the path he heard a noise that was coming closer to him he moved his head to side to see arrow passing by.

"What the Fuck was that!"he said catching his breath he looked behind to see nothing.He looked at tree with the arrow in it,he pulled out and saw the arrow but they weren't normal arrows instead they were crystal arrows.

"How is this even real?"Victor said checking it out but continued running until he arrived to castle garden and went inside to get ready for bed.While walking in the hallway he didn't noticed and bumped into someone and fell down with the person on top of him.

"Umm can you take off ur hand of my butt please "the person said until Victor looked and saw Mari on top of him and seeing his hand on her "Ohh Im so sorry Mari I didn't see you coming"he said taking off his hand as Mari got up and helped him get up.

"It's fine Victor but where did you?"she asked concerned but he knew he had to make something up so she wouldn't be worried "I wanted some alone time but I'm fine"he said making a awkward smile at her just to her laugh.

"If you need someone to talk to you can talk to me I'm always free" she said to him "Well then I will next time"he said as she yawned "God I'm tired from today's trip" mari said covering her mouth from yawing again.

"You should probably go to sleep since we didn't get a lot of sleep"he said yawing too "I think both of us need sleep"she said smiling at him,they both said their goodnight and went to their rooms ready to sleep but for Victor he had to learn why someone was trying to kill him in the forest.

 "You should probably go to sleep since we didn't get a lot of sleep"he said yawing too "I think both of us need sleep"she said smiling at him,they both said their goodnight and went to their rooms ready to sleep but for Victor he had to learn why...

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"Ur majesty,I found the Zariya prince"the person said "Good,did you kill him?"the figure said walking around the table touching the map making veins appear on it.

"I didn't ur majesty-"How didn't you kill him!"the figure said angrily hitting his fist on the table "You will go back and kill the prince or I will feed the wolfs to ur sister,Got it!"

"Yes ur majesty"the assassin said bowing down and leaving the person alone "Once everything goes into my plan,you will finally see the true side of me!" the figure said laughing insanely.

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