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Narrator pov:Today was the day,the lantern ceremony starts today

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Narrator pov:
Today was the day,the lantern ceremony starts today.Everyone was preparing but the were sitting by the lake trowing rocks in the water trying to think on what to do since they didn't have their outfits anymore.

"Hi guys" Mari said to them sitting by their side "Hey Mari" all three of them said feeling down "What's wrong? She asked them "We don't know what we're going to wear for today's ceremony" Luna said to her with a sigh.

"We don't have extra outfits and the tailors can't make three new dresses in couple of hours" Cerise said trowing a rock into the water that made Mari think and knew how to create new outfits "i think I have person who can create you a new look" Mari said to them getting up from the ground.

"Wait really?" Raven said to her "Yeah my friend Violet can make you new outfits just by snapping her finger" Mari said to them with eximente "Okay then let's do it" Luna said to them "Wait how are we going to the visha kingdom?" Raven asked Mari making her think and knew how to.

"Let me just do this" Mari said making a symbol in front of her making all three of them surprised on what they saw "It's ready let's go" Mari said appearing a portal in front of them.All four them walked in and appeared in front of the Visha palace.

"Wow what's going on here?" Raven said looking up at the palace seeing decorations up with flowers falling down "Oh Luna your here" Rochelle said going up to them and hugging all of them.

"How are you guys?" She asked them walking up to the palace making all four of them following her inside "Well so many things happened back home but were fine" Luna said to her.

"well you guys are welcome to stay here for the lantern festival" Rochelle said to them "Thanks Rochelle but we have a emergency and we need to talk to violet" Luna said to her.

"Oh she might be outside playing" Rochelle said to them making all four of them go back outside to see Mari's friend playing games with children "Mari!" All six of them said and hugged Mari tightly.

"H-Hi guys I can't breathe" she said to them making all six of them release her seeing Mari trying yo catch her breath "what are you doing here?" Legacy asked her "we have a outfit emergency" Mari said to them "Oh my days why?" Violet asked her.

"Our ex sister-in-law she ruined our outfits and we needed them for today" Cerise said to them "I can help you with that" Violet said to them making the triplets happy.

All of them walked in into beauty room "who wants to go first?" Violet said to three of them "I will go first" Cerise said stepping up in the front of the mirror "Okay this will just a bit"Violet said making Cerise confused on what she heard but was surprised with glitter appearing in front of her making her blind not seeing what was happening.

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