Back to the nighmares

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Narrator pov:
Everyone fall in asleep since Violet put a spell on them so they couldn't wake up for the rest of the night,Legacy grabbed the map and told them to follow her.

"Violet did you make them fall asleep,so they wouldn't wake up until morning"Legacy ask her and nodded,couple of minutes of walking they finally arrived to the Elysian kingdom it looked the same but they knew something felt wrong.

"Whitney use shadow so we can get in the castle"said Legacy to her and she snapped her fingers as a dark portal appeared in front of them

 "Whitney use shadow so we can get in the castle"said Legacy to her and she snapped her fingers as a dark portal appeared in front of them

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they quickly got in and saw they were inside the castle but saw there nightmares in front of them,their belongings destroyed .

Mari walked up to her family portrait and saw how they cut out her parents and her out making a X between them, she couldn't believe her nightmares were coming true infant of her, the death of her parents then getting betrayed from her love and losing her child.

Everything that she had to love now gone forever only the memories that were keeping her mind from becoming insane "Mari are you okay?" asked Violet just to see Mari eyes become red as the fire pits of hell "Mari relax just remember what I told you breath in breath out just like that okay, relax were still here for you"said Legacy as she hugged her and saw Mari calming down.

"Thanks Legacy I need that" she said to her "Okay,Let's go find the artifact"mari said as they looked around and checking the map where to go. "It looks like where down in the cellar,so we have to go to the library since that's the last time we left it ,but guys"said Whitney with curiosity.

"Why is their music playing and people cheering?"she asked "let's go in the secret passage and check out what's happening" said Mari as she careful opened the door and all of them followed her as the door closed it.
~Back to the Others~

Victor got woken up from something jumping on him,his vision was blurry still so he rubbed his eyes and saw his clear up just to see a creature floating in front of him,he didn't know what to say but instead he touched the creature and started rub...

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Victor got woken up from something jumping on him,his vision was blurry still so he rubbed his eyes and saw his clear up just to see a creature floating in front of him,he didn't know what to say but instead he touched the creature and started rubbing it self on his hand.

"Hey,you seem to like me but how did you appear here and where's mari and her friends?" questioned so he got up to see his friends still sleeping,he walked up where mari and her friends were sleeping but saw no one.

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