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Narrator pov:As the group went back home to the Zariya ,the people in Elysian started questioning on what happened on the party Alexander was still in shock when he saw Mari alive,he thought everything will be fine going with the plan but now know...

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Narrator pov:
As the group went back home to the Zariya ,the people in Elysian started questioning on what happened on the party Alexander was still in shock when he saw Mari alive,he thought everything will be fine going with the plan but now knowing she's alive she will come back with a fight but for now he had to make something up so no one could act suspicious.

"We're very sorry about Saturday ball,we found out it was robbers trying to kidnap the queen but failed to do it" Alexander said to them everyone started feeling better "is the Queen okay ur majesty?"one of them said "she's fine she's just a little shock about it" he said.

"What about the baby,is the baby alright?" a mysterious person said with a group of people behind him,Alexander didn't know what to say "T-the baby-y is fine"he said nervously to them but when he looked at the person he felt like his soul left him.He had to leave now.

"Sorry everyone but now I will be heading back to help Mari on this time"he said to everyone leaving the throne room and going to the back of the castle were Eveline was sitting on the bench "Eveline we have to talk"he said to her kneeling in front of her.

"What is it Alexander?" She said "Some guy asked if the baby was alright with a devilish smirk " he said to her nervously "what,do you know who it is? " she said getting up "I don't know who it is Eveline but why would they ask about the child" he said to her in a mid anger tone.

"What if they saw us killing Mari and her friends that day"Eveline said being scared if they found it was them killing the queen "we will act normal and not let them see us slipping off"he said to her but heard one of the servants saying that someone was looking for him, they went to the living room seeing 5 people their waiting for them.

"Nice to meet you ur majesty" the person said putting is hand in front of him "Nice to meet you too-"Lucas Visha" "Visha?"Alexander repeated his name "Well who's this" Lucas said grabbing Eveline hand to kiss it Alexander was trying to figure who this people are.

"This is Eveline,Mari's friend"Alexander said to him introducing each other.After they introduce their selfs Lucas was curious where the Queen so he asked Alexander that he wanted to meet Alexander got nervous but heard Eveline telling them that she's sleeping so maybe next he can meet her.

"Mmm okay then i will take my leave"Lucas said getting up from the chair and as well his group but stopped and turned around with devilish smirk,both Alexander and Eveline looked at each other "Well tell the Queen that I'm sorry what happened in Saturday and She looks so a lived that night"Lucas said leaving with his group.

"Alexander did you see him he knows something about Mari"Eveline said getting up trying to figure it out "We have to wait and see what happens but for now we can't say anything unless we're in my room"Alexander said to her not knowing that someone was their listing to their conversation.

"Alexander did you see him he knows something about Mari"Eveline said getting up trying to figure it out "We have to wait and see what happens but for now we can't say anything unless we're in my room"Alexander said to her not knowing that someone...

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Lucas pov:
"What did you find out Avea"i asked her as she took off her hood "Their on to us majesty,but their not sure to trust us"Avea said "Well then,first we have to nice to them and become partners"I said to my group.

"Ur majesty how does this help us kill the zariya kingdom?" Ari said "When we have their trust, we will tell everyone what really happens to their Queen and once they kill Alexander we can take over this kingdom and attack the Zariya for good"I told them flipping my knife.

"Ur majesty,should I go find the Queen?"Ari said "Yes,find her and bring her back here once she's here we will be able to handle everything else got it" "Yes ur majesty we will leave now"Ari said as she changed into a crow to locate her "Avea,I need you go back to the castle and befriend Eveline,we can use her in the plan" "Okay,ur majesty I will"Avea said. "Let's start the game shall we"

Eveline pov:"God forgive for my sins,I have done bad decisions please forgive me what I did"I said kneeling down looking up at the cross "I can't believe she's back ali-"what can't you believe?"someone said I turn around to see one of the girls th...

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Eveline pov:
"God forgive for my sins,I have done bad decisions please forgive me what I did"I said kneeling down looking up at the cross "I can't believe she's back ali-"what can't you believe?"someone said I turn around to see one of the girls that arrived with Lucas "ohh nothing just stuff" I say to her "We haven't introduced our selfs,I'm Avea Cipher" she said.

"I'm Eveline Khispire"I said to her "Why are you here in church mrs.Avea?I asked her "ohh u just need so s time to pray"she said as she sat down in the bench going on her knees to pray.

"Who are you people?"i ask her "We're just a group of people that came to visit our old friend the queen"she said to turning around to face me "R-Really ur friends with Mari?"i ask her "Yes,we were childhood friends growing up until we moved into another kingdom"she said.

"Oh well she would be excited to see you guys again"I say to her with a smile "She will be very happy to see her old friends back home"Avea said walking up to me,I looked at her with nervousness "Tell Mari,I will see her in the moonlight garden tomorrow afternoon"Avea said walking to the entrance but stopped and turned around to look at me.

"ohh and be happy that Mari isn't captured or worst dead, Bye Eveline have a peaceful day"Avea said leaving the church.

How in the hell is that bitch going to tell me that,ughh I have to tell Alexander about her she knows things but if I say something I know I'll be dead,I have to be careful and figure out what to do for tomorrow.

I quickly go back to the castle to tell Alexander about it but was stopped when I saw talking him to Lucas,he looks very suspicious but i don't why in getting the same energy that Mari had at the ball.I will tell him later for now I have to make a plan to find the truth about this people.

I will tell him later for now I have to make a plan to find the truth about this people

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