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Narrator pov:
As the ball continued, everyone was so happy enjoying it,when it was midnight everyone was passed out in their beds sleeping but mari was having trouble sleeping since she had to find her friends here in the kingdom but she knew something was off when she arrived.

She grabbed lamp and started walking around the castle to find clues to help her find them but nothing until she noticed the symbol on the floor,it was the one Legacy did the other day pointing something in the forest,as she started walking to the balcony but stopped when she heard foot steps coming closer she quickly went to hide but heard multiple feet walking.

She started checking how many where walking and got 7 people good thing for being the only child she remembered how she could figure out who was walking outside her room.

She looked who it was and saw her friends walking with a lamp and holding a book checking where to go , she knew they were looking for something but she had to move fast to go find her friends , eventually they went to the part of the castle she ran to the balcony and saw away down , she started climbing down and walked into the forest to find them.

Victor pov:
"Guys are we going to the right way" "yeah we are going the correct way" Luna said but she definitely whispered to Sirena if we're actually going the right way "We're going the wrong way we had to arrive in this place" Sirena said as she showing us the drawing.

"It look's like a cave, it's probably in the forest since there's a waterfall"said Dayna.We started walking into the forest but I noticed footprints in the path I had to get my guard up,while walking i saw a figure running probably someone was following us "Guys I think someone is following us,I just saw a person running over their" I pointed and Dayan was making something in the floor.

She was saying something but didn't know what language it was until the symbol started glowing as well her eyes then something appeared in front of us "what is that" said Raven "thats going to helping us to see who's following us" said Dayan and moved her hand to the direction we saw the figure running.

The orb flew to the direction and stopped the person following us we went to go find it and saw mari stuck in some type of bubble that trapped her inside.

Raven pov:
"Mari what are you doing here,your supposed to be resting"I said to her but noticed something wrong with her "I'm looking for my friends their here in cipher kingdom, I have to find them please guys help me get them back"she said to us crying but I felt a bad thing coming from her.

I looked up and saw a angel but somethings isn't right with it , so why was it with mari and how in the hell can see it "Dayan can you remove the orb because I need to check something on mari" she retreated her orb and I went in my knees to check on mari but I want in the forest anymore instead dark kingdom

I looked up and saw a angel but somethings isn't right with it , so why was it with mari and how in the hell can see it "Dayan can you remove the orb because I need to check something on mari" she retreated her orb and I went in my knees to check ...

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"you can see me human"said the angel "yes I can see you now leaver her alone"I said to her but laughed "how are you going to stop ,you don't even know how to use ur powers human" I knew I couldn't but I had to help mari find her friends.

I took breather and noticed my wrist glowing with symbols appearing up to my shoulders this is so cool wait how I'm i doing this but whatever I have to kill that angel or whatever it is. "Ohh you finally discovered ur powers but now you will die and see ur parents in hell!" she took out a spear but deflected and kicked her down with my leg , ohh this is going to be fun.

I moved my hand took out a sword out of nowhere i have so many questions but let's finish up this , I slayed and cut her leg she was about to stab me but I moved quickly and saw light coming out of her she was dead but how did I not know I had powers and I can summon weapons,this is going to be a challenge then.I was back but I looked behind and saw my siblings shocked on what happen.

"Raven you found ur powers" said Elissa "how did you do that Raven"asked Luna "I really don't know I think they appeared while I was in danger but I can summon weapons look" I took out sword from my wrist and saw them amassed in are new discovery.

Luna pov:
This is crazy,how did Raven summon that but if she has powers we have them too as well Evan,wait as Evan found his powers or is it just Raven god I have so many questions but that's for later we have to find the cave.

We help mari get up and walked in the waterfall and saw the cave glowing blue, we started walking down the cave and it looked unreal how the crystals flowed looking like stars at midnight.

While going deeper into the cave we eventually found this opened area with a tree growing in the middle of water

Narrators pov:They  started walking in the path and stopped in front of the tree,Sirena checked on the book to see what to do next "I know what to let me just do this quickly" she said,she dived into the water and saw Sirena with a different look ...

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Narrators pov:
They started walking in the path and stopped in front of the tree,Sirena checked on the book to see what to do next "I know what to let me just do this quickly" she said,she dived into the water and saw Sirena with a different look
~Sirena water outfit💧~

Narrators pov:They  started walking in the path and stopped in front of the tree,Sirena checked on the book to see what to do next "I know what to let me just do this quickly" she said,she dived into the water and saw Sirena with a different look ...

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"Guys take a long breathe,you need to go down I found something"she said while going down,they got into the water and followed her.

They went down and saw the Cipher symbol and another symbol pointing at a entry point ,as they went Luna started to see symbols glowing around them and looked at her siblings with symbols appearing on their body's as her self too,when they arrived to the top they found some type of jungle that seemed familiar to her but while walking into the path they discovered they weren't alone in this mysterious place.

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