Love so sweet

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Narrator pov:The next morning day~As everyone in the Kingdom prepared for the lantern festival,the triplets and Victor were planning on how sneak into the Elysian as well Lucas with his group getting ready to take their plan on action

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Narrator pov:
The next morning day~
As everyone in the Kingdom prepared for the lantern festival,the triplets and Victor were planning on how sneak into the Elysian as well Lucas with his group getting ready to take their plan on action.

Mari was helping the maids get ingredients from the town,as she looked around she was amazed how different colors of the stands and buildings looked when the sun rays reflected from them.

"Mari can you get strawberry's and blueberry's from that stand over their" asked one of the them pointing at the stall "yeah I can get them"Mari said walking to fruit stand "excuse me,can I get a bag of strawberry's and blueberries please" she asked the seller and told her yes it will be ready on a sec.

While waiting she looked at the many fruits in front of her "they look so good"Mari said grabbing the apple but was stopped from another hand reaching the apple,she looked at her side to see who it was "Oh Lucas what are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I was picking up my outfit for the festival"he said to her "here you go,oh ur majesty I didn't see you here" the lady said to Lucas "I came for the lantern festival that's why"Lucas said to her "I'm glad you came back and is this ur girlfriend ur majesty?"She asked Lucas making Mari red and making Lucas laugh.

"A-Ah we're not together" they both said to her "ohh boo but you both look lovely together"she said to them both making Lucas laugh but Mari was getting embarrassed from what she said "oh what's going to be the total?"Mari said grabbing her bag.

"I will pay for it don't worry" Lucas said taking out the money and giving it to stall lady and saying goodbye to her walking to the next stand "Thank you for paying it" Mari said holding the bags of fruit putting in the basket.

"No problem,do you need help on getting anything else" Lucas asked her "I think we got everything"Mari said to him "Okay then let's go back ,let me help you"Lucas said to her grabbing the basket but was stopped by Mari's hand.

"I'm good" she said smiling at him holding the basket tight not letting it go and started walking to the castle making small talks and laughing at dumb things.

 "I'm good" she said smiling at him holding the basket tight not letting it go and started walking to the castle making small talks and laughing at dumb things

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