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Mari pov:"Ughh my head what happened" i say looking up to see Im tide up in the tree  "why I'm i tide up"I started freaking out until I saw Victor and her sisters holding torches "Victor what is happening-"Shut up already"he said with anger I look...

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Mari pov:
"Ughh my head what happened" i say looking up to see Im tide up in the tree "why I'm i tide up"I started freaking out until I saw Victor and her sisters holding torches "Victor what is happening-"Shut up already"he said with anger I looked at him and to see his eyes dark yellow glowing.

"V-Victor what happen to you,you were fine before"I say to him "You killed my parents Mari,You killed them!"he yelled at me I can't believe it he yelled at me "Victor please listen I didn't kill ur parents,please Victor believe I didn't do it"I plead to him but it didn't work.

"Victor you have to kill her to get ur revenge"a voice said coming from the dark I couldn't see it until I saw Alexander with a smirk "no no no please Victor believe me I didn't kill ur parents it was h-"Enough you will suffer the consequences Mari" Victor said going up to me with the torch.

"You will pay ur sines in hell where you belong"he said trowing the torch to the bottom of the tree "please Victor listen I didn't do it it was him please don't let me die"I yell at him crying but I saw them walking back to the darkness,I started moving the ropes but I started coughing and seeing my vision blurry.

"I will kill you Alexander,you hear me You will suffer and everyone well know the truth"I yell at him but it was to late I was going to die, Im sorry mom and dad I didn't get our kingdom back but I will be able to see you again and im so sorry Victor I didn't mean to hurt you i will miss you as well sorry everyone but now I will end my suffering as close my eyes to see darkness...

"Mari wake up"someone said shacking me "Mari come on we here"I hear it again as I open my eyes I see a worried Victor shacking me to wake up "Victor what happened?"i ask him

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"Mari wake up"someone said shacking me "Mari come on we here"I hear it again as I open my eyes I see a worried Victor shacking me to wake up "Victor what happened?"i ask him.

"Oh god ur finally awake,you had a nightmare and seemed it was a bad one since you started whimpering and crying"he said to me "I started to get worried since you didn't wake up when I was talking to you".

"I'm sorry Victor and thank you for worrying for me" I said to him hugging him "No problem Mari and if you need someone to talk to you can always talk to me"he said with a warm smile "I will Victor"I say to him.That nightmare felt so real but how did Alexander find me ,i started question it until we arrived to the palace.

"God I'm tired I need a nap and a snack" said Luna "Same but god this weekend was so much fun" Raven said as she stretched her to hear her bones cracking "Next time when we go we can switch groups to see what you guys did with the Queen" Cerise said to Both Luna and Raven.

"Yeah if Evan let's go again" Victor said "ohh where's Evan?"he said "hey guys to hear laughing"I say to them as we stayed quit we heard more laughing "It's coming from the study room"Luna said as we walked to it I felt a sharp pain hit me I grabbed my chest and started coughing.

"Mari are you okay?"Luna said as they looked at me "yeah I just really bad cough sorry"I said to them while a smile so they wouldn't worry about it but what was that, I never had that before but why did it happen just now.

 "Mari are you okay?"Luna said as they looked at me "yeah I just really bad cough sorry"I said to them while a smile so they wouldn't worry about it but what was that, I never had that before but why did it happen just now

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Narrator pov:
As they walked in the study room they saw Evan and someone else laughing about something "Oh you guys are back,how was it?"Evan asked as he looked at them.

"It was a very interesting trip but we had a fun time visiting the Cipher's"Raven said at her brother "And who's that?"She asked as she pointed at the person "This is Ari a old friend of mine"Evan said to them.

"Nice to meet you all,I'm Ari Galina"she said bowing to them,as they introduce each by one when they finished introducing each other Ari started wondering why Mari was here.

"Mari can I ask you something?"She asked and Mari nodded "How did you ended up here in Zariya kingdom?"she said "ohh they rescued because I was wounded and they helped me that's why I'm here"Mari said to her.

Hours passed it was night time everyone was tired from the trip so they decided to go to sleep as they said their goodnight to Evan and Ari and they left Evan walked up the door and locked it and turned back to face Ari.

"Ari I know why you here"he said looking at her "I don't know what ur talking about ur majesty"she said with a smirk "Change back to ur normal forme"he said to her "and If I don't what are you going to do Evan"she said.

"Or are you going to lock me up as Romana!"Ari yelled at him with anger "I had to do I-"She didn't Fucking do it Evan but you didn't listen to her because that's what you always do remember,we tried to tell you but you were going to kill us since we defender her and knowing it wasn't her"she said holding her tears.

"Ari if I knew who killed my parents Romana wouldn't be their but she was the only one that wasn't with us that day"Evan said to her,Ari gripped her dress and changed back into her normal form.

"If you really knew the truth would you even confessed ur love to her"Ari said to him but Evan looked at her and moved his head with no response "I knew it you couldn't even tell her,I'm not even surprised at all but seems like you got New trouble coming toward you"she said as she walked up to one of the windows and opened it.

"If you really look want to know what happened that day bring Mari to the Elysian kingdom we will be their for a while"Ari said as transformed into a crow and flew out.

Evan had to find out what happened but he had to go his Enemy territory,Evan took a deep breath and looked at his parents painting smiling and having that same energy that day.

"I have to do it,I need to make a plan to take Mari back go get kingdom with out being caught,I have to think carefully on this"he said to himself,if something bad was coming to him he had to know who it is and finally knowing the truth.

 "I have to do it,I need to make a plan to take Mari back go get kingdom with out being caught,I have to think carefully on this"he said to himself,if something bad was coming to him he had to know who it is and finally knowing the truth

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Lucas pov:
"Did you tell him?"i ask Ari as she transformed back into her normal self "yes I did it majesty,he took it well and will be arriving soon"she said.

"Okay then tomorrow find where siblings are located as well Mari,on Friday we will give them a show that will make everyone faint from knowing what really happened"I said to her and bowed as she left my room "I will be officially be a king for good!"

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