I do

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Narrator pov:

One year later~Today was Mari's birthday,making Victor nervous as hell

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One year later~
Today was Mari's birthday,making Victor nervous as hell. He was going to ask Mari to marry her but he didn't know what to do or how he was going to ask her, he was a mess and needed help asap.

He grabbed his horse and rode it to the Elysian kingdom to ask Mari's friends for help, the girls were getting along with him he was surprised when Mari's friend accepted him into the family making him feel like he accomplished something.

As he arrived at the kingdom,he noticed that everyone was busy decorating and preparing everything for Mari's birthday but saw where Mari's friends where.

"Hey guys" Victor said making all the six girls turn around to see Victor "Hi Victor" all of them said as they placed flowers on a wall "So I have something to ask you girls" Victor said with a nervous look making the girls stop from what they were doing "Where listening" Legacy said to him.

He took a deep breath and took out a small box making the girls curious but once he opened it the girls were amazed and happy on what they saw.

"Ur going to ask Mari to marry you?" Ruby said holding her palms together with a smile "Yes I am" Victor said with a shy smile making all six girls hug him instantly having a hug a fest.

"My goodness I'm so happy for you guys" Whitney said to him making chuckle "I will be flower girl" Charlie said.

"But aren't you like 20" Violet said to her making Charlie roll her eyes "I don't care I'm going to be a flower girl" Charlie said to them making them laugh.

"How are you going to ask her?" Ruby asked him "That's why I'm here, I need you girls to help me to figure out what to do" Victor said to them making all the girls excited.

"We have an idea and don't worry about anything we will have everything prepared so go back to ur kingdom and get ready for the party" Legacy said to him.

"Thank you guys I will be back" Victor said to them as he walked up to his horse then waving bye to them heading back home.

"Shall we start then" Legacy said to them making the rest of the girls excited for today's proposal.

"Shall we start then" Legacy said to them making the rest of the girls excited for today's proposal

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