Zariya kingdom

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Narrators pov:
It was morning,everyone in the castle was were preparing breakfast for the Royal Family,victors older brother Evan was waiting for his siblings in the dining room to eat breakfast.

After 5 minutes all the younger ones have come and greeted Evan, all were sitting in their chairs but expect one "Victor"said Evan he told Joseph the main servant in charge of all the house workers to go get his brother since he was only one not here.

While everyone was eating breakfast, Victor was asleep in his desk from studying the whole night then the knocks of victors door in the other side Joseph was waiting for a respond but nothing so he knew what he had to do.

Joseph went to the kitchent to get a bucket of water and brought a towel just in case. While walking up the stairs the young masters went up to him and ask if they could wake up Victor with devilish smile, they went quickly to Victor's room quietly open the door.

Joseph give them the bucket of water, moved away from the splash zone , they got the bucket of water ready the youngest one Cerise looked at her siblings telling them ready , Luna and Raven smiled devilish they started counting "1,2,3 NOW" said Cerise they t threw the bucket of water at victor.

Evan's POV:
I was about to drink my coffee but instead I got a girlish scream and the triplets running downstairs while laughing behind them Joseph was holding a bucket I knew what happen the old truck that he use do to when I didn't want to wake up the good times I was going to ask where Victor was but he saw him walking down the stairs soaking wet , I was trying to hold my laugh but I couldn't contain it so I late it out .

Victor looked at me like he was going to murder me at night i know he won't but probably will at the same time ,"Remember girls that if you wake up late,you're going to get the same treatment as victor cold water bath in the morning ,got it?" "Yes we got it big brother" all three told me I smiled at them and told them to finish breakfast.

Victor POV:
THOSE EVIL BRATZ THEIR GOING TO PAY OF WHAT THEY DID TO ME ,god plss in my next life don't give me siblings I can barley survive with this demons,shit I have to get ready for today's lessons.I finished eating my breakfast ran up the stairs to my room
~Victors bedroom~

I finished eating my breakfast ran up the stairs to my room                             ~Victors bedroom~

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Victor's outfit

Narrator pov:Victor went to the study room to go start the lessons he had to learn today , the triplets were getting all the books for today's lesson

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Narrator pov:
Victor went to the study room to go start the lessons he had to learn today , the triplets were getting all the books for today's lesson.

They sat on their desk waiting for the teacher to start,couple hours pass all 4 of them were dead tired from today's study's while they were going to leave the study room Mr.C announced that they had a project on the history of Zariya ,Raven asked why their doing a project on the kingdom since knew everything about but Mr.C wanted how Zariya was created by their ancestors.All Four went to the library to find how the kingdom was created.
~Raven outfit ~

                                   ~Raven outfit ~

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~Luna outfit~

                                   ~Cerise outfit~

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~Cerise outfit~

                                   ~Cerise outfit~

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While lookin around , Luna found a old book that had symbols she never saw this around the kingdom and didn't understand what it said it was written  in different language

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While lookin around , Luna found a old book that had symbols she never saw this around the kingdom and didn't understand what it said it was written in different language.

She went to her siblings sitting on the furniture while reading, "guys you want to see this"Luna told them and showed the book she found. They didn't know anything or heard about this book , Victor looked at the symbols but one of them was familiar to him

 They didn't know anything or heard about this book , Victor looked at the symbols but one of them was familiar to him

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He was trying to remember but it was hard,he felt like something was missing from him but what was it.Raven opened the book and showed them what she,they gasped on what they saw ...... Zeriya and Elysian kingdom together in one place.

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