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Raven pov:
I can't believe our kingdom was friends with Elysian kingdom but how I thought we hated each other since the beginning of Zariya,I looked at my siblings with disbelief of the news we got but what actually happen between both kingdoms to end their promise.

"We need to tell Evan about this"cerise said quickly but Luna stoped her "we can't tell him about it , this is only between us guys if he finds out he will probably do something bad and burn the book so we wouldn't find the truth about our kingdom"she said to us.

Narrator pov:all four them went to their own rooms to find somewhere to hide the book so no one could find it .
~Raven bedroom~

~Raven bedroom~

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~Luna bedroom~

~Cerise bedroom~

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~Cerise bedroom~

Cerise found a old box she had from her parents when they were born ,she was tearing up but wiped her tears and went to victors room where they were going to meet up

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Cerise found a old box she had from her parents when they were born ,she was tearing up but wiped her tears and went to victors room where they were going to meet up.

While all four them were hiding the book , Evan was at a meeting with the counsel about preparation for the moonlight festival,while they were talking Evan started wondering things and started to remember the past.

Evan memories:
I still remember when my parents took us to down to the village were everyone was celebrating the festival , we were having fun enjoying are self's when the sun started going down everyone went to bridge expect us ,my dad got me and victor while my mom had the triplets sleeping in the carriage.

We went to the balcony to start the moonlight lanterns as everyone was waiting for my parents to start, my dad give me and my brother a lantern to release it with them I looked at victor with a smile as he smiled back to me I looked up at my parents letting their lantern go both of us let go the lantern and went close to edge of the balcony looking at everyone lifting their lantern to go up in the sky.

We went to the balcony to start the moonlight lanterns as everyone was waiting for my parents to start, my dad give me and my brother a lantern to release it with them I looked at victor with a smile as he smiled back to me I looked up at my paren...

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They looked like stars in the night my mom told me to look in the other side of the kingdom it was more lanterns floating in the sky "mom how are their more lanterns if we barley release them here?" I asked her she smiled and said "Sweetheart it's because the Elysian released their lanterns as us".

I was still young so I didn't know who the Elysian kingdom was before "who's Elysian mom?" "The Elysian kingdom is our friend sweetie remember last week we're you went exploring in this huge garden with all the butterfly's"I nodded my head "well that was in the Elysian kingdom"she told me.
~Evan's room~

As the night passed a thunderstorm appeared ,I was getting ready for bed until someone knocked on the door I was confused since everyone was sleeping , so I went to go see who it was and it was a surprise that my little sisters and brother were th...

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As the night passed a thunderstorm appeared ,I was getting ready for bed until someone knocked on the door I was confused since everyone was sleeping , so I went to go see who it was and it was a surprise that my little sisters and brother were their standing on the hallway as the flash of lighting flashed on them I ask them.

"Why are you guys up,it's pass ur bed time"I told them but they didn't respond but I knew what they were planning so I opened my door wide and moved to side and let them come in ,they rushed up to my bed I went behind them and helped out Luna since she couldn't get it up.

I was about to start falling asleep but felt I was being hugged tightly I moved the covers and saw them hugging me as if I was going to disappear,I told I won't leave them their safe so they could feel better just from that they were fast asleep, I hugged them and fell asleep.

Present day(Evans pov):
I felt someone shaking me I opened my eyes and saw Joseph telling me to wake up , i got up and told him if the meeting was over " yes ,the counsel got everything done ur majesty"as he told me while going downstairs to eat dinner, "Joseph where are the demons and victor"I ask "their in victors room planning on what to do for their history project"he replied back.

Narrator pov:
As the four of them went downstairs to the dinning room they greeted their brother and sat on their chair ready for dinner.It was peaceful in the dinner table until Evan ask them what their project is they stopped eating and looked at each other with worries but Luna responded "It's on how the kingdom was created by our ancestors that's it big brother".

Evan looked at them and said is it's true and the three of them said yes quickly,when they were done with dinner they said goodnight at each other and went to their rooms getting ready for bed,victor looked at the box that had the book inside.

He carefully open it and took out the book to check on something,he looked at the portrait of his ancestors with the Cipher and Elysian kingdom.

While looking at each page of the book he saw how all three kingdoms took care of each other as they were family, he started feeling dizzie and choose to sleep but he need to put the book back in the box while Victor was doing that Raven was reading a symbol book to see what the symbols of the book mean but nothing appeared until something fell out.

She looked at it an found out it was a paper folded as she going to open it someone was knocking at her door Raven took the covers and placed on her.She told them to come in, it was Evan telling her goodnight and loving her she responded back telling him the same thing he closed the door as she was opening the paper.

She saw a drawing of some type of map that had a place with the same symbols on the book, she put the paper back in the book and put on her night stand and turned the light's off she had crazy day today so they all need their rest for today.

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