Sweet lies

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Mari's memories:
I was with my friends planning on telling everyone that I'm pregnant on my birthday,we started looking at ideas and found the perfect one.

As weeks passed it was the day of my birthday , i got up early and didn't find Alexander with me weird but whatever I greeted everyone and saw my love with my friends standing their to block what they tried to hide but I knew what it was.

I acted clueless so they wouldn't know "happy birthday sweetheart" said Alexander as he give me a box I opened it and saw a beautiful necklace I hugged him said thank you. I went to my friends they instantly hugged me and moved to side and smiled at the gift they got me "I will wear this tonight guys thank you for gif and remember the plan we have the surprise gift" I told them.

~The gifts she got~

~The gifts she got~

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Hours passed and it was time for my party I was getting ready when Eveline came in and ask if I need help on  the back of the dress I tell her yes I do need help,she went behind me and started tight it but I tell her not that tight since it's goin...

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Hours passed and it was time for my party I was getting ready when Eveline came in and ask if I need help on the back of the dress I tell her yes I do need help,she went behind me and started tight it but I tell her not that tight since it's going to hurt the baby oh I should've not said that.

She looked at me with disgust but shook her head and congratulate me, i tell her not tell anyone especially Alexander since it's going to be a surprise at the party she smiled and told me not to worry about anything.

Narrator pov:
It was time for ball,everyone from the kingdom came to celebrate the Queens birthday.When the servants opened the doors everyone cheered and telling Mari happy birthday enjoying the ball.

When it was dinner time mari got up and told everyone that she had announcements to make "Thank you for coming at my birthday party and for the gift,I have some news ,guys can you bring the present"I tell them , Alexander got up and was wondering what was happening I tell him that I have surprise for everyone.

When it was dinner time mari got up and told everyone that she had announcements to make "Thank you for coming at my birthday party and for the gift,I have some news ,guys can you bring the present"I tell them , Alexander got up and was wondering ...

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"Alexander can you open the gift" he said okay when he open it balloons came out and everyone looked at us confused but I tell him to look in the box there's something else,he goes up in the box and checks and pulls out a small crown "Mari what is this for?"

"Alexander we're going to have child" I hug him he looked shocked and hugged , everyone congratulations us I looked at Alexander but he seemed worried "honey are you okay?"i tell him "yeah im just shock that we're going to have a child" he smiled but I knew something was wrong with him.

As time passed I was with my friends outside looking at the stars laughing remembering things,Eveline went told us to come with her since she had to show us something.

We followed her to the forest but told us not question it,we arrived to a cabin and told us to change Into comfortable clothes.After we changed she told us to get ready for the surprise but Legacy looked at me and told us she feels something bad about this Violet tells her probably the food we eat since we eat to much of it we laughed and it looked Legacy calmed down.

Narrator's pov:
The group were started to get tired from walking and looked up in the sky and knew that they were far from the kingdom , they stopped and saw Alexander with soldiers behind him something was wrong.

Eveline stopped in front of Alexander and give him something Mari catches a glance of it and saw a knife she whispered to her friends that something was wrong they need to go back to kingdom but when they started walking backwards they were stopped by soldiers.

Mari told them to let them go but they didn't follow her command and tied them then got them in their knees by the cliff . "Alexander what is happening why are you doing this!" Mari asked him but he just started laughing and grabbed mari by the hair.

"Remember the day ur parents died everyone taught it was just accident but oh god they were wrong"he said to her Mari telling him to not talk about them but just go get "I send my soldiers to murder ur parents as well the Zariya kingdom parents so both kingdoms taught they were betrayed by their own friendship" he laughed and dragged her near the edge of the cliff.

"Then today finding out that we were going to have a child I knew what I had to do" he pulled the knife and cut the rope but told the soldiers to bring her friends close pleading him to not hurt her.

"Alexander pls don't do this is I thought you loved me stop this now or I'm going to kill you" "really Mari I know you to well you won't do shit but since we're here,Eveline can you come here" she went to his side and got the knife from his hand.
"Sweet sweet Mari you really thought I was ur friend god I hated you when the first we meet,I wanted to fight you but this is way better".

Mari's friends telling her to not do it but it to late she pulled out the knife out of abdominal,Alexander grabbed mari by her neck trying struggling to be free but she was to weak and her vision getting blurry the only thing she remembered was Alexander saying

"Long live the Queen" and let go off mari,her friends screaming crying to help her but Eveline told the guards to trow them off the cliff one by one thrown by the cliff not knowing if they were alive or dead but didn't care at all.

Legacy punched the solider holding her and was about to attack them both but stopped and told Alexander that they will come back and destroy them both then jumped down the cliff with the others. Alexander told them to say that the Queen and her friends are missing.

As they walked back to the forest eveline looked down and saw person with torch looking up but left quickly to forget everything that happened today.

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