Change of plans

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Walking out of the boundaries of uzushio I pulled up the hood of my long overcoat, despite the burning sun. It was a necessity considering my resemblence to dad people who see my face will be quick to make the connection or spread rumours regarding a look alike of the seventh hokage. This hood was more like a veil covering my face completely, yet it didn't hindered my vision as it was made of a thick black netted cloth.

I arrived at the location where I had to pick up the person whom I was suppose to guard, the lady looked like she was in her late 20s or early 30s with brown hair and brown eyes and a very pregnant belly. There were two servant girls on either side of her to probably aid here with things. When they noticed me, all of them wore confused expressions but had instantly put there guard up.

"I mean no harm." i said with both my hands up in a surrender position, "Are you Lady Ena ?"

"Well yes i am. What business do you have with me?" she replied with a polite tone.

"I am the man who your husband hired to be your escort as well as bodyguard for your journey." i replied.

Her expression changed to that of realization and she replied, " Oh so you are that vigilante, my Riku sure went quite far regarding my security." her comment had me confused so i asked,

" Pardon?"

"Oh don't act modest. My husband told me he had hired The Veiled Reaper to be my bodyguard."

Veiled reaper? What the heck is that supposed to mean?
"I don't understand what you're saying, ma'am?" I voiced my confusion.
"Do you not know? You have made quite a reputation for yourself across the 5 great nations. As a veiled vigilante whose skills are praised to be top notch by the many key figures of the fourth great ninja war" she replied with a kind smile.
This sure was quite the information, in order to keep a low profile I avoided interaction with people so me knowing this was in a way impossible. "I see" was the only response I gave. "Anyway back to the matter at hand. You see there has been this little change of plans."
"What change?"
"Well there was supposed to be another maid with me to help with the errands and all so that these two here could take care of me while the delivery but she couldn't come last minute,so I was wondering if you didn't had any other job for this month then could you take the job for being my errand boy at the village. Don't worry you will paid for it accordingly." She explained the matter.
I didn't had any other job for this month and I will get paid plus an errand boy was a very easy job so I didn't see any reason to refuse.
"Okay, then"
"Oh and another thing, you will be staying with us there, as the plan of staying there was sudden so I doubt whether you brought enough money far a hotel."
"Okay, so shall we begin our journey?"
She nodded and started walking, I followed behind.
"By the way, I have a question. Why do you hide your face?"
It wasn't a new question, I have been asked this many times and I gave her the same answer
"Personal reasons"
"Aww don't be so shy. Come on tell meeee"
From this little interaction I could tell that this woman loved to gossip, this kinda reminds me of chocho. She too had her chatterbox tendencies and I highly doubt that there was any piece of gossip which she didn't know. I let out a tiny smile of nostalgia, while evading the attempts of my employer of taking off my hood.
"By the way madam, where exactly is your maiden home?" I asked, which I wish I hadn't as that's when she dropped a bomb on me.

"Not far just a few hours walk, you know in konoha"

Meanwhile in konoha

"Something is missing"

During these past 3years everyone in konoha had the same thought multiple times a day, but why? They couldn't explain, it was just a strong feeling within their hearts.
It all started when one evening all of them woke up in a conference room with absolutely no recollection of when they got there. All of them were confused and their thoughts were chaotic but all of them had a feeling that they were forgetting about something very vital to their lives.
The tension increased even further when Sarada woke up with a Mangekayo Sharingan (is the spelling right) an of a sun like pattern. But there was no sign of any blood or injuries on her any nor was there any deadbody nearby to say that she witnessed the loss of a dear one in order for the Mangekayo to trigger. When asked, she didn't recollect anything about it either but she confirmed that she was feeling very restless and empty. Sasuke and Sakura didn't left her alone even for a minute that day and then explained the truth behind the Mangekayo Sharingan, which only added to their daughter's restlessness. Everyone thought that there could be nothing more shocking but they were proven wrong when they all returned to their respective homes to find some of their pictures torn or more specifically someone from their pictures torn. The situation just kept putting them on edge, and the fact that everyone had certain parts of their memories missing or blurred didn't help. Sarada was by far in the worst condition, her tears weren't stopping for some reason and she didn't even know why she was crying. All she knew that she was feeling a ache in her heart and that a little voice inside her was telling her to go outside the village and look for something or someone. Sasuke was on high alert too as he was worried about his daughter, he knew she was strong but also knew that no amount of strength was sufficient to ever move on from the trauma of losing your dear ones he was an example himself, the loss of his family especially his brother was still a sensitive topic to him. And seeing his daughter suffering from it and not being able to do anything to help her was frustrating him to no end.
The Uzumaki family had it bad as well, when they returned home to find someone from their family pictures torn and didn't took them long to realise that the missing memories were the memories of a person and that person was a part of their family. They checked each and every family album they had to find the same, the learned that this person was actually their own child when they found a picture of Hinata in a hospital bed holding a baby whose face wash torn. Hinata cried the entire night blaming and asking herself that what sort of a mother she was who forgot her own child. 

Naruto was trying his best to console her but couldn't as he himself was frustrated, he tried asking kurama but he refused to answer him and shut off all contact he looked really upset. Why? No idea.
The rest of the new generation was also feeling anxious as they too felt as if they have forgotten about something very significant to them, and the feeling only grew overtime. Everyone was asking themselves the same question

"What the hell has happened?"

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