The Veiled Reaper in town

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Boruto POV
Every step I took felt heavy, and despite my normal breathing my heart was racing a mile. We were just a few metres away from the gate and soon we will be entering the village. I felt stares on me but didn't bother to check whose it was, as a hooded man was a thing to stare at with curiosity. We arrived at the gate and Lady Ena was giving our names and reason for our visit,she stopped speaking for a moment and the guards turned to look at me.

"Well, it's show time"
"So, you're the famous Veiled Reaper?"
"Yes" keep your responses as short as possible bolt.
"Okay, but we need an actual name to write here. So, what's your real name?"

I was prepared for this question so I gave them a half truth.

"Bolt.. and?"
"Just Bolt"
"Alright, but we also need to see your face?"
"Is that really necessary?" I so wanted to avoid this.
"Yes it is. You are an outsider, so we need this much info in case some trouble is caused by you or you're involved in it."

His reasoning was sound but somehow the word outsider hurt a little.
"Okay, I guess"saying that I turned to them placed both my hands on the side of my hood and lifted it just enough so that they could see my face but not my hair and my knuckles were pretty much covering half of my whisker marks.
"That's a nasty scar one of them commented"
The night I received this scar flashed before my eyes, it was given to me by the shinobis who were ordered to bring me back to the village unscathed, it was also that very night I was branded as I rogue shinobi. Pulling down my hood again I replied in an annoyed tone,
"You're just supposed to look at my face, not comment on it"
"Yeah yeah, don't get cranky. You can go now" Finally.

Moving past the gate guards we went straight to Lady Ena's home, which was a 2 store house. Entering inside it was spotless.
"I had a friend of mine clean up before my arrival. Me and the maids will be taking the two rooms on the ground floor, do you mind taking the room on the first floor, Bolt-san" said the lady.
"I don't have any problems with that, thank you."
"Bolt-san could you please buy the groceries for the dinner while we assist, milady here" one of the maids asked me.
"Sure, please give me the list"

After a few minutes the maid wrote down a list and gave it to me and I went off to the market. While walking around I couldn't help but notice that nothing much seemed to have changed. Not wishing to go down the memory lane again, I quickly went to the super market. Picking up a basket I started looking through the aisles for the required things.
After I was half done through the list, I noticed the section with hair dyes and couldn't help but wonder,
"If a situation does arises where I have no choice but to reveal my face to others then I will be exposed because of my looks. I think I should be prepared for such a scenario"
Thinking that I went there and looking through the colours of the dyes available, while searching looking through the colours a dye of red colour caught my eye. Tou-chan did used to tell me that Uzumakis were distinctively known for their bright red hair. My curiosity of how I'll look in red hair caught the best of me and I ended up placing the dye in my basket.
Isn't there this product in cosmetics that is used to hide marks on the body, maybe I can use that to hide my whisker marks. As I was thinking about these things, I didn't notice the person standing in front of me and bumped into them.
" Sorry, I didn't noticed you" I quickly apologized, steadying myself still not looking at the person.
"It's alright young man" replied the person in a sweet voice, an all too familiar sweet voice which I knew by heart. When I looked up at her she was still the same as ever, only her hair had till her waist. Her eyes still held their kindness and mouth had a gentle smile. Overwhelmed with the emotions running through me I couldn't stop the barely audible whisper which left my mouth.


(AN- how many thought it was Sarada 😄)

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