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Naruto POV

That brat!!!!! Who is he calling an old geezer huh????!?!!?! I'm only 40!!

While I'm yelling at the brat in my head we reach my office, I go take my seat behind the table, Shikamaru takes the seat in front of me, Sai took the couch and Sasuke leaned back on the window behind me.

There was a long silence, each one of us were immersed in our own thoughts.

This kid no matter how much of a brat, was good. First dealt with those creatures like they were nothing, and the sort of seals he used I have only seen pervy-sage use them but even he only knew 2or 3 at max but this guy seems to know a lot more, then there are the chains I had only seen them once and that to when mom had helped me fight kurama, but I guess that shouldn't be a surprise as he is also an Uzumaki as he has the firey red hair and that also explains his huge chakra reserve and last but not the least that eye.
I have seen a bunch of weird things in my life but that eye is something completely unheard of. I knew for a fact that it was not an evolved version of sharingan or byakugan, so could it be a new doujutsu? But if it were one shouldn't it have occurred in both of his eyes? Did he stole that eye from someone? No if that was the case then the eye would have stayed active the whole time instead of activating on his will.

All these thoughts were giving me a headache.
I need a bowl of ramen dattebayo!!!

My thoughts were broken by Sai's voice,
" That guy is straight up dangerous we can't let him roam around freely in the village"
Well that was true ,by simultaneously escaping from Sai's grip, Shikamaru's shadow possession and Sasuke's sword he automatically came into the category of dangerous. But...

"We can't confine him when he hasn't done any harm to the village instead helped to deal with those things" I stated the obvious fact.

"We need him to work for us in order to keep those things at bay until we find a permanent solution for them" Shikamaru said in a no nonsense tone.

"I get that but I'm getting the feeling that there is another reason you are suggesting this." Sai stated his opinion.

"Yeah. Shikamaru, you seem pretty dead set on getting him on our side but why?" I asked.

"'SIGH' Naruto you better brace yourself" he warned.
Okaaaay so what is this about?!?!
I was internally getting anxious, serious Shikamaru meant that the problem was huge.

"Out with it" I said in the most serious tone I could muster at the moment.

"Naruto...after thinking about it seriously, I have some reason to believe that, that boy might be your long lost child"


"WHAAAAT!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"What the heck are you talking about?!?!!!!!" I practically yelled at him.

Sai and sasuke were also giving him incredulous looks.
"Calm down and listen to me first"

"How can I?!?!!!" I asked toning down my voice.

This is my kid were talking about dattebayo!!!

"And just what in the world made you come at this conclusion?" I asked after regaining my composure.

"Troublesome explaination.....*sigh*.... Listen this is just a theory so there are chances that I may be wrong, but hear me out.
First, we know nothing about how your child looks so there is a fair chance that he may have inherited the Uzumaki red hair gene that was recessive in you. Same goes for the whiskers, it's not necessary that your child must have inherited them. And if any of you noticed closely then that brat and Naruto have the same eye shade, and I know blue eyes are commen to have but him and Naruto have the very same shade. And his other features are also similar to yours, the face cut, nose etc. There all the same, you won't notice from afar because of the different hair colour but on close quarters it is noticeable. Now, you may discard all this saying that he might have similar features to you because he may be a descendant of a distant Uzumaki relative of yours whom you never knew. But here's the reason I am suspecting him. As per data, The conference room incident took place 3 years ago, and the Veiled Reaper first appeared in the village hidden in the mountains ( I made it up) exactly 2 months after that. The hidden mountain is nearly on the borders of the fire nation and beyond it are international waters crossing which we will enter the foreign country of Korea( I made it up). The time it takes to reach the hidden mountain from Korea is 2 weeks, but the time it takes to reach the hidden mountain from konoha if one travels by foot taking the forest path, so as to not come in contact with any villages near konoha is....."

"2 months" everyone else in the room including myself said that in a whisper, completing Shikamaru's sentence. All of it fit just right, nearly all arguments were covered in this explaination.
( Music stop)

Co- could it be? Was that really my son sitting there ? If so the- then why act like a stranger?

"Moreover, I highly doubt that it's just a coincidence that the ages of both this boy and your lost son seem to correspond. From the dates on pictures and other records we could decipher that your son would be around 19 or 20 and this boy doesn't look any younger or older than that."

It all fitted well Shikamaru had covered all arguments, wait-

" That doesn't explain how he was able to perform the chakra chains, despite them being an Uzumaki kekkei genkai one can't perform them unless taught how to, and don't know how to use them so there's no he could have learned it"

"That's one of the many things which are unexplained, like how can he do the chakra chains? Why is he acting like a stranger if he is your son? Why didn't he came back? But those questions are all assuming that he is your son. There's still a possibility that he isn't. But there is one thing I'm certain about is that he is somehow related to The incident.But there just that suspicions, I need time, so that I can gather more information, and for that I need him to stay in the village. That's why I'm suggesting that we establish a surface level cooperation with him so that we can gather info and find the truth."

Shikamaru finished his explaination. I nodded in understanding feeling a little numb, the fact that my son could be so close yet so far was still not digesting very well in me.

"But how do we get him to work for us? You heard him there, he has basically asked us to make him an offer he can't refuse, and it's not money that he is after" Sasuke spoke for first time. A silence greeted his comment.

"I think I know what might tempt him to agree, I'm not sure but it's worth a shot"
Sai voice rang out. Every head in the room turned to him.

I don't care what he is suggesting but if by any chance that boy is my son, then there's no way in hell that I'm gonna lose him again. Believe it!!!

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