Well it's time to rebel

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Sarada's POV

Anger, furious and humiliated, these were the feelings going inside me,

How could all be this ignorant? Not assigning us missions worthy of our skill well, we ignored it but now giving those trashes for ninja such an important mission. I was so angry that i was hyperventilating.

Now's not the time to throw a tantrum whether I get this mission or not but i absolutely refuse to let those trashes have it.

Taking out my phone i called Chocho, the moment she picked up i said,

"Ino-Shika-Cho, plus hima Chan, with Mitsuki and Sumire ground 3 now" and cut the call before she could say anything.

10 minutes later

All 6 of them were in front of me,

Shikadai:( with laziness dripping from the sentence) what's the emergency?

Sarada: hear for yourselves

After they heard the recording

Narrator POV

Anger, humiliation and hurt were the feelings of the 7 shinobi in the ground.
They were angry at not being considered eligible enough for such a important mission, humiliated because people below thier skill levels were selected  and hurt because this somewhere implied that their parents didn't placed even an ounce of trust in their abilities.

Shikadai mustered up the most neutral tone he could to hide his haywire emotions," although I get the hint now that why you've called us but I'll still like to hear it from your mouth"

" We all have been suffering in silence for quite a while, our parents shrug off our insecurities thinking that we are trying to crack a joke. Well i don't blame them, because they probably compare our problems with the ones they faced during their teenhood. Well they're not wrong, after all how can you compare some mere insecurities that kill you bit by bit everyday with life threatening assassinations that they faced, how can compare always getting indirectly belittled on improving because of your parents fame to fighting for your life in a war against monsters (zetsus). You see right there is no comparison, our problems don't even exist in their measurement scale of struggle and problems. Our only mistake being that we were born in the times of peace. ........ Well  our parents are busy so it is best that we help ourselves. I have had enough of walking with a thorn in my feet. The wound has rotten but hasn't gone numb. Long story short it's time to rebel. "

There was a pause, everyone was trying to find a reason to refute Sarada's argument only to hang their heads in defeat. It was true, all of them had had enough. If they didn't do anything now, they won't be able to do anything in life.

Mitsuki broke the tension: so what's the plan?

Sarada: item no. 1 on the agenda is to make sure lord 7th  changes his decision on giving the mission to those trashes.

Sumire : but have to get our hands on the missions details first to judge whether we can take it or whether to leave it to other experienced elite jounins. We can't just blindly take a mission because we want it.

Shika: for that well infiltrate lord 7th's office tonight at 3 a.m.

Chocho:  won't he be in his office doing paperwork?

Hima: leave that to me. I'll convince him to come home tonight for dinner. The other major obstacle is the anbu who will be gaurding the office.

Sarada: I'll take care of them. I'll put them in a genjutsu they'll see the office as it is with nothing happening.

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