Tempting offer

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Boruto POV
Quite some time has passed, I wonder what all of them are discussing. Whatever, it may be it doesn't matter as I've basically said a 'no' to their offer in a roundabout way. After all in a trade what holds the most value is money and I already made it clear that I don't want it. So, what can they offer? Whatever it will be I'll just simply refuse it and walk out.
I sure do realise now that living alone and on the run for all these years has made my desires for materialistic things vanish. The new video game consoles don't look so interesting anymore, getting a high value trade card seems pointless, the new dishes added in thunder burger's menu don't appeal to me as much as they did back then. I wonder is this what it feels like to be a monk? To loose all interest in worldly desires? Is this the peace of mind they seek? If so then why do I feel empty instead of peaceful? Why am I restless instead of being calm.


Hearing footsteps I raise my head to look at the door, from the chakra signature it seems like Shikamaru-san is coming.
Sure enough, after a minute the door opens and he walks in.

"Follow me" saying that he turns around and walks out without waiting for my reply. Wanting to get this over and done with I don't raise any questions and follow him. Were probably going to Dad's office so they can discuss the deal with me. After a minute, we were in front of the office door. Shikamaru-san opened the door and entered with me trailing behind.
Dad was on his chair, with Sasuke-san and Sai-san flanking his side there were 2 chairs in front of the table. Shikamaru-san took a seat in one of them and I took the other. Still keeping the arrogant brat act up I sat owned it, keeping my right ankle over my left knee and arms crossed over my chest with a smug face.

"Sooooo, what did you came up with old geezer?" 

The calm face he wore went out of the window and came a forehead full of tickmarks. He was about to explode, even a blind man could tell, but taking a deep breath, he started speaking without trying to hide his irritation,

"I'm too tired for your nonsense so I'll end this discussion as soon as I can. You are willing to offer your services to the hidden leaf as long as we offer you something you deem worth your time as the barter, right?"

I nodded in response.

"So we in return for you to act as a temporary hidden leaf shinobi offer you a a trade of knowledge."


Naruto POV

"A trade of knowledge??" I repeated what Sai had said but it sounded more like a question.

"I am getting it partially but it would be better if you explain it" Sasuke said sounding as confused as I am.

"Well I trying to remember anything I might know on the Veiled Reaper and I remembered something of real importance" everyone kept quiet for Sai to continue.
"When the Veiled Reaper had first appeared as per protocol I had sent an anbu squad to gather intel on him. They more or less had came back empty handed except for one piece of information. According to what they heard from the different minor hidden villages this guy is quite the curious one. For all the jobs he has done for them he often reduced his price to half or even less than that if the people there knew any sort of a jutsu and were willing to teach it to him"

"That cocky brat actually did that???" I asked genuinely shocked. He seemed way to big of a narcissist to do something like this.

"So your suggestions is that we should also offer to teach him jutsus in order to get him to be a temporary hidden leaf shinobi?" Shikamaru asked.

"Exactly. Its a big gamble but it's our best bet for the time being" Sai rested his case.

"But keep in mind he is still a suspect for a lot of things so we need to keep a very close eye on him and how are we going to do that ? Using anbus will be useless because I'm he will fool them easily considering the kid is on level with kage." Shikamaru stated the obstacle.

"I'll do it personally then" surprisingly Sasuke volunteered.  "The kid is kage level but so am I. If he turns out to be a threat, I'll take care of him or at least stall him enough for you guys to arrive with reinforcements"  he gave his reasoning.

"Sasuke are you actually saying that in a one-on-one fight the brat might beat you?" I asked now really concerned just how high had he evaluated him.

"I am stating a possibility, there are several factors for him to have an advantage over me. There is that Eye which has never been seen before, then his fighting style we only know that he can use chakra chains and sealing arts but there can be more considering he has kept learning a variety of jutsus from different villages across the nations. And lastly, keep in mind that we are not in our prime anymore. True we all continuesly broke our limits and won a war against Gods but that was when we were teenagers of 17, but now it's different were now middle aged men whose skills must have started to collect rust. But kid is someone young who still has unrusted and developing skills the only advantage we might have against him is that of experience."

Sasuke logic started to make sense, true there were the unknown factors of the brat's style and Eye but there was also the fact that we weren't in our prime anymore, and because of the lack of time we gave to our own training,  to do our jobs as hokage, shadow hokage, advisor and anbu director, our skills must have also rusted.

At first our kids approached us from time to time for advice in improving there jutsus but now that had also stopped as they got the hang of it.

" But how are you going to keep an eye on him 24-7 ?" I asked.

"Well I do need a servent boy at home to do the house chores" he replied with a smirk.


So that's what he plans to do. Great, revenge is so sweet. Now  the brat will learn what are the consequences for calling me an old geezer. Hahhahahha
Hahahaha a

Flashback over

Boruto POV

"If you don't understand, then in return for you to become a temporary hidden leaf shinobi we are offering you to teach different jutsus as a payment" dad gave his explaination.

Jutsus so many jutsus, I can even ask for forbidden ones, the Massive rasengan,  Complicated gente fist, New kenjutsu moves and wait there's also Sasuke-san's Chidori , he had only shown me that once but I was still fascinated by it.
I was internally squealing like a fangirl and I guess the excitement showed itself on my face as well as I could see dad smirking.

But wait!!! I don't want to get involved in the first place, but the jutsus,no focus on hidding your secret.

Before I could say anything Shikamaru-san said something that changed my decision,

"You have made such trades in the past as well so were sure you are willing to make one now as well considering we have a lot of powerful jutsus to teach"

His statement implied a lot of things:-
1) there is a chance that I had been under investigation for a long time. But why? Did they suspected me for the thing 3 years ago
2) rumers about me making the knowledge trade had travelled here. Most likely.

Under any circumstances I couldn't refuse now because doing that will make them more suspicious than they already are.

"I accept but you better have some good jutsus" I replied in a neutral tone.

"Good then, from today you will be a temporary leaf shinobi, this deal is valid till this zombie situation is COMPLETELY taken care of. Okay" dad said, finalizing the statements of the deal.

I nodded.

"So for the duration of your stay you will be the Uchiha clan's servant boy" dad said in a enthusiastic to e with a sickeningly sweet smile or was that a smirk? And Servant boy? Where did this came from? My face must have shown my confusion because now the whole room was throwing smirks at me and there was just two words in my head for the unknown that was about to come.


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