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Boruto's POV

Nothing, quite an interesting word isn't it, this one simple word if said correctly can hide a millions of emotions , memories and feelings. SIGH. 3 years have passed since THAT incident in the conference room, 3 years since i was slapped by the truth, 3 years since my mom looked at me with her disappointed eyes, 3 years since my dad was freed from the burden named me and 3 years since i was heartbroken. 

The moment i had left Konoha i had went to my hideout, i had cried all night because i knew that i had to let every ounce of my emotions and frustrations out before i shut them down permanently. I had cried while packing my stuff and storing it in a storage scroll, and also storing all of my pictures in another scroll. Erasing myself from everyone's memories wasn't enough, i had to erase every proof of my existence from the village to make sure no one ever remembers me. I went to my home and cleared everything that belonged to me from my room, and made it appear that it was an extra guest room but the hard part came with our photos. Those in my room well i just simply took them but those in the other's room's well i just took each and every one out of the frame and tore myself from them and placed them back all the while my heart was bleeding, i went to all of my friend's houses and did the same. I know that they will get suspicious the why someone is torn from their pictures but they will never be able to trace it back to me .

If anyone were to ask me what i have done in these past 3 years well my answer would be train, travel and work. I trained my self till i dropped unconscious, ran out of chakra or when my body just couldn't take it anymore, all in order to keep my mind off from konoha and the people i left there. I traveled to keep my identity secret, because of my appearance and my dad's fame there was a ridiculously high chance of people making the connection that we might be related and the word reaching to konoha, so i kept changing my location every few weeks till at least six months, untill i stumbled upon the ruins of uzushiogakure, the place of the origins of the uzumaki clan, my clan.I had only read about it in books, and heard about it in classes probably the only time i ever paid attention to history lessons. The place looked like a ghost town, yet somehow it gave a warm welcoming feeling to me, so i decided to stay there. While exploring i found something odd, every building was collapsed except for the kage building i didn't even had a scratch. I went near it to kind that there were some kind of seals surrounding the building preventing it from any sort of damage. Surprisingly, when i tried to enter the building nothing happened to me, it appeared the these seals could recognize and differentiate between danger and people who meant no harm, well it should be expected  as uzushio was famous for their sealing techniques after all. Inside of the building was like any other kage building, an office, a reception, several meeting rooms, a bedroom in case the kage decides to stay the night, a kitchen or pantry to prepare food for visitors and last but not the least a library containing scolls regarding jutsus. The place was dusty but surely somewhere where i could stay. Nobody will ever come to these ruins, so i will be left alone.

When not training, i was basically working as a vigilante for people, sometimes i was hired to assassinate or other times to be a bodyguard or an escort or a spy. The jobs paid me handsomely so i didn't had any problems doing them. Although my first kill did left me stunned for a few seconds but compared to the shock i received from Sarada's betrayal i was nothing.


I will be lying if i said that the thought of her didn't crossed my mind even once in these three years. No, she had never left my mind even for a second. No matter what i did to keep myself occupied her thoughts always lingered at the back of my mind, and at night she always plagued my dreams. All these years i tried so hard to get myself to hate her and failed each and every time, only to realise that i had fallen for her so deeply that my heart even after her betrayal longed for her, always wondering that how much she would have improved over the years? or how did she looked now?But still i couldn't forgive her for the lie she told me about Hima. It was no secret to the village that even though i always annoyed her but i loved Hima to death, ever since little i was protective of her and even the thought of her crying, broke my heart and made me angry at the same time. To think that sarada would stoop so low in order to get praised by everyone that she would hide that fact that hima was being bullied and lie about it!!!!. I'll never forgive her for this, never ever. 

Currently, i was cleaning the ruins of uzushio, i wasn't restoring the buildings just removing all the boulders and debris to make a big clearing. It was my timepass for when i wasn't working or training, I thought since all buildings were demolished i would just remove their remains and turn the whole village into a training ground.

I glanced at the sky  and realised that i should leave for the job i had to do, it wasn't much i just had to be the bodyguard for a wealthy lord's pregnant wife who would be staying in her maiden home for the delivery of her child, he was paying a lot so i agreed. I went back to the kage building and packed some necessities and left.

Little did i know that some big surprises awaited me at the lady's maiden home.

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