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"K-Konaha??" I stuttered despite trying my hardest to not to,yet I did. I mean come on anyone would when they get to know that they will be staying at the place they ran away from for one month dattebasa! Although I doubt whether someone like that other than me even exist. But, back to the conversation:-
" Yeah, why anything wrong?"

Yeah!! Everything is wrong because your maiden home turns out to be my birth place, the place I grew up in, the place where I was humiliated (chunin exam incident), the place I ran away from, the place where I learned that I was the cause of my mother's disappointment, my sister's bullying and my father's stress, and also it is the same place where I learnt that the love of my life never loved me but actually used me to get acknowledged by everyone.

"No, nothing wrong" really the little word nothing can hide a lot of things.
"Okay" she replied and then turned around and continued to gossip with her maids giving me time to think.

Don't panic bolt, don't panic. Think. I was quite grateful for this veiled hoon of mine as it prevented the ladies from seeing my shocked expression.
Can I bail out and go back? No, I had already told them that I was free for this month so that's out of question as it will make them suspicious. So I have no choice but to stay for a month. SIGH. What have I gotten myself into.
Come to think of it they have forgotten about the existence of Boruto Uzumaki, so I should be fine as long as I don't show my face to anyone,use a fake name, avoid meeting the people I know or doing something which might trigger their memories of me. Hmm I should be fine as long as no one remembers me.
Now, major problem. The gate guards, they won't let me enter unless they see my face, I have to do something about it. The only problem in showing my face is that, the moment people see it they will say that I look like the seventh hokage, and the word of a lookalike of the famous Naruto Uzumaki will spread like wild fire. I need to find a way so that they don't relate me to dad after seeing my face. Come to think of it, dad's most distinctive feature which people recognise most widely is his blonde hair, if I just lift my hood enough so that my face is visible but my hair isn't then I should be under the radar.
Well one problem sorted, the other is to avoid meeting with anyone I know. This might be difficult as I will be an errand boy there running here and there all day so there might be a chance that I bump into someone, but wait. If things had started going well and normal then there is a big fat chance that another chunin exam must have been held and my friends must have gotten promoted which means that now as chunins they will get higher missions like being escorts,or delivering scrolls so they will be out of the village most of the time. Dad hardly got any free time from his hokage work so I don't think he will ever be out of his office. Hima must be 14 by now meaning either she would be a genin performing d-rank missions or if aunt Hanabi hadn't had a child then she must have been chosen as the next Hyuga heir. Either way, my chances of meeting her are also nimble. Mom never liked roaming about the village for no reason so she will also probably stay at home most of the time. Good, everyone would be busy with their own work, so an encounter with any of them should be impossible.

"Looks like this won't be so difficult after all"

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