I'm screwed

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Boruto POV
Today Ena-san had decided to take a walk around the village, so I was accompanying her as her escort.
Last night's run in with Sarada had ended up in me not getting much sleep, because whenever I closed my eyes her face kept popping up in my mind. I just can't help but love and hate her at the same time. Logic says to run away from her and heart says to run towards her. Whom do I listen to, as a shinobi I shouldn't pay heed to my emotions but as a person, well what kind of a person am I now anyway. Neither am I a son, a brother, nor am I a friend or a student. I'm basically no-one.
I mentally laugh in self pity.

Yeah, except for a shinobi for hire, I'm no one, I have no purpose, no meaning, no ambition, no family, no friends. I have nothing to live for and nothing to lose, what am I even alive for?

"Huh" Ena-san's voice broke my chain of thought.
"You spaced out for a bit"
"Sorry milady"
"Anyway I was saying that we are nearing the market near the village gate and then we'll turn around and go back"
"Yes milady"
Market huh? I doubt anyone I know would be there, they will most likely be on missions or training. Thinking that I reassured myself that nothing will happen.

Oh how wrong I was.

When we first entered everything was normal, children running, people shopping and talking, a typical market scene. It was going on like that until I heard a horn blow from the village gate. If I wasn't wrong then that horn blow meant an attack or intrusion. But by whom? I know none of the 5 nations will do that , rouges ? No, even they know that konoha is the home of probably the strongest shinobis of the 4th great ninja war, so they wouldn't dare attack unless they were idiots. Then who is the intruder?
As if to answer my question a middle aged man, probably civilian, came running-no- stumbling from the direction of the village gate. But something was wrong, he was deathly pale, sweating profusely and foam like saliva was coming out of his mouth , before anyone could ask or say anything he screamed,



Had he hit his head somewhere or was he in a genjutsu. I activated my eye, knowing no one will see it because of of my hood. And let's see what's wrong with him WHAT THE HELL DATTEBASA????!??!!?!!!!!

He doesn't have any chakra I mean at all. Every living entity has chakra, without it life is impossible, only deadbodies don't have chakra but this man is clearly alive.

I deactivated my eye, and quickly got in front of Ena-san.I was her body guard after all,
"Milady, please stay close to me" I said and turned ahead.
"Ha-hai" she replied.
The man suddenly collapsed, shocking everyone around, his skin was visibly turning grey, and he was trembling as well. The trembling stopped abruptly and he started to get up. After he got up and faced us my people screamed seeing him the iris and pupil of his eyes had disappeared and some sort of green foam was coming out of his mouth.
Like a brainless mad animal he lunged at the nearest person to him and bit him.

We were all wide eyed to see the healthy man turn into a similar brainless mad man. I had seen the thing with my eye and saw all the chakra from the man's body diffuse in air and him too becoming a chakra-less zombie. People were panicked and I kept guarding Ena-san.
Now, almost 10 of these creatures had the both of us surrounded I could take them down but I couldn't risk leaving Ena-san's side and risk her getting bitten. I had to do something from here.
I remembered the impact seal I had learnt in uzushio that would be useful here.
I started weaving the handsigns opened my right palm and pulled it back as if preparing for a gentle fist strike, at this very moment I felt a lot of familiar chakra signatures behind me but I didn't paid them much attention.
The zombies were all close now. I enfused some more chakra and thrusted my palm forward in the air,

"Impact seal!!!" I yelled.

sure enough the seal left my palm and went forward in the air expanding when it came close to them, it performed it's purpose of creating an arial shock wave sending them flying backwards. This was my chance , while they were airborne I quickly focused my chakra in my belly button and thrusting it out produced a chakra chain. Using the chain to tie them up, I stood up from my stance.

"That's some nice moves you have there, dattebayo" I heard a  yell behind me and I stiffened. Turning around I saw him.

And every one else too. Uncle Shikamaru, uncle Sai, and Sasuke-san as well. All of them had calculating expressions while my shocked face was hidden by my hood.
So much for staying under the radar huh.

At that moment I knew one thing for sure

I'm screwed

(I was down with food poisoning so couldn't upload earlier.Sorry)

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