Filail duty or self interest?

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Himawari POV
Memories, whether good or bad are always precious to a person. Maybe because it is also associated with the carefree time of childhood where one never has to worry about anything.
Most grown ups you come across will never deny that they would like to go back to the carefree days of their childhood. And i believe i can understand why?

Things have definitely never been the same ever since i stepped up asthe next heir to the Hyuga, the amount work was endless. Tons to learn, and handle and even after completing the job flawlessly never being good enough.

I don't blame grandpa or aunt hanabi for their criticism in fact I'm grateful for it, as it helps me to improve myself. But there are just two sentence that strikes the most sensitive nerve, "Your mother/father used to be much good at it when they were of your age" and " what else would you expect? She is the hokage's daughter after all" these always just make me feel like all that all the gruelling hours i had put into training were for nothing.

Is my identity just as the hokage's daughter?

Shaking my head to get rid of these thoughts, i found myself in front of Papa's office.

Well, from here it begins


"Come in"

I walked in.

Naruto: huh? himawari? What a surprise. Do you need something?

Dad greeted me with his usual bright smile, however it was also laced with tiredness.

Clenching my fist behind my back to keep my composure, i used the most soft and convincing tone i could muster, while trying to hide the pressure i was feeling and said,

"Papa I had actually come to ask something from you"

I noticed my voice did not have any softness left. Must be the result of all the yelling i had to do during the Hyuga clan meetings.
Aunt hanabi had started making me take charge in the meeting as the head while she sat back in order to observe and give me pointers later, it wasn't bad. The problem was that all the other clan members who attended the meeting were males, and it didn't help at all that their opinion of me was - a coddled little girl born to a hero who had never worked hard in her life and was given the clan head position on a silver plater.

I couldn't assume the position of the head if the council members didn't approve of me, and they would only accept a strong headed figure. So I order to prove myself i had to create this fake ice queen persona of a strong headed lady.
After that they did approved of me however they still didn't admitted or considered that my way of addressing the issues had anything to do with my own capabilities. They said it was something I 'inherited' from my parents, and then another long discussion more like a lecture about their great achievements


Forget it. Focus on the task at hand.

Naruto: what do you want sunflower?

"I wanted you to be home for dinner tonight and possibly stay the night at home too. So that we all could have some family time"

I could see hesitation in his eyes, so i spoke before he could.

Breathe calmly

" Papa i know you stay busy, but I'm not asking this for myself either it's for mama too. She often feels lonely at home these days, since you are busy with paperwork and I'm busy with aunt hanabi for clan matters and training. So, i thought some family time will do her good. And you also need to rest. But, of course if you have something more important to deal with, i can always compromise."

I felt horrible i knew this was emotional blackmail but I had no choice,

A shinobi must employ every possible way, no matter how dispicable, there is in order to fulfill their task. Even if it means going against their morals.

It was a line i had read in the old shinobi prohibition code, whose teaching was abolished after the 4 th great ninja war.
I couldn't say anymore that i disagreed to it, because I had just used it.

Naruto: hmmm I guess a break for one night won't hurt. Alright, I'll come just wait for a few minutes while I wrap things up here.


Phase 1 : complete

Time skip

Even though I was in the middle of the mission and shouldn't think about anything else, but i couldn't help but think.

This is probably the most happy I've felt in a long while.

Dad had a talent to spread his happy mood around him. Probably an effect of that. Mama was smiling continuously as well.

After dinner, while the 2 of them sat in the living room i offered to make tea.
Mama and papa both sat in the living room watching tv.

The tea was boiling, and now it was time to began phase 2. With trembling hands i took out the sleeping pills.

I can't turn weak now.

I'm probably the first ever daughter in the world who is drugging her parents to help in a heist against them.

Controlling my trembling, and my emotions i dropped 4 pills in the boiling tea and saw them get dissolved. Pouring 2 cups and placing them on a tray. And plastering a smile on my face i went to them

"Mama papa, here have some tea"

Naruto: man you certainly make sure that I am completely stuffed every time I eat at home. Another bite and I'll burst. So no tea.

I internally panicked, if he didn't took the tea and saw that mama feel asleep after drinking. It will all be ruined.

"Papaaa, pleeeease at least take a few sips, i made it myself"

I one knew if I whined like that he will give in.

Naruto: you always know how to convince me. Well hand it over.

I smiled and handed both of them and forwarded the tray.

Both of them drank, and we all resumed watching tv. After 5 minutes, I saw them leaning against each other fast asleep. Sighing, i got up and draped a blanket over them. Leaning against the kitchen counter i made a conference call with all the people who were involved in the plan.

Even walls have ears,so the conversations have to be kept super short.

Without waiting for anyone to respond i said one sentence and cut the call,

"My part is done, now, it's your turn"

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