Part 2

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Last nights full moon had been a mess. The group got distracted and ended up splitting three ways but thankfully sirius was with remus the entire time so it wasn't SO bad.

But still, Remus looked about ready to pass out by morning and Sirius was as cheery as ever. James thinks he ate a few bad plants from the forest.

"Hey where were you last night? You and Peter were gone." Sirius asked as he sat down next to him at breakfast.

"Ok i was gone because you said 'Hey Peter, lets play hide and seek' and then you went and ran off" Peter said angrily.

"Hey i caught you eventually."

"Seeing me back at the shack in human form at dawn isnt catching me."

Sirius waved it off, peter sighing angrily.

"Anyway, where were you? See a cute girl?"
Sirius nudged his elbow.

James scoffed and pushed sirius away.

"As a stag? Really? My game isn't that good."

"Come on man, I mean did you see someone and run off with them?"

"At midnight? Really?"

"Hey, you don't know." Sirius raised his hands in defeat.

Just as he was about to argue over it, Remus slid into the seat beside Peter with bags under his eyes.

"How're you feeling Moony?" Peter asked.

"Considering the disaster that full moon was? Relatively well."

"That's good. Hey did you do that potions homework for next week-?"

The rest of the conversation drifted into the background as soon as Severus entered the great hall.

He looked tired and his cheeks were flushed red. Then he sneezed and James internally groaned.

Of course he was gonna catch a cold.

He was about to stand up and go over when he stopped himself. Why would he go over there? What reason did he have?

"Dude why are you standing?" Sirius asked.
James looked around and realized that he was indeed standing.

Huh. He didn't even realize.

"Uh nothing I just....thought I saw something." He excused and sat back down, everyone else falling back into conversation.

Then just as James was contemplating offering Severus a lift to the infirmary, someone got to him first.

Lily was walking over, putting a hand to Severus' forehead and scolding him quietly. He could tell Severus was being scolded because Severus was rolling his eyes and saying 'ok' over and over again.

Then Lily huffed and held out an arm, silently telling Severus to follow.

With a groan, Severus stood up, following Lily out to where James assumed was the infirmary.

" Lily's with Snivilus again. I'm sure you can catch her later though." Remus said and it made James snap back into reality.

"Sorry what?"

"You were looking at Lily right? She's with Snivilus right now, i'm sure you can talk to her alone later." He said as he drizzled chocolate syrup onto his pancakes.

"Woah woah have some pancakes with your chocolate will ya?" Sirius said when he saw the puddle of chocolate on his plate.

"Shut up, I'm post transformation. Leave me alone."

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