Part 5

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The word bambi played in his head over and over again. It repeated itself and every time james couldn't help but find it silly.

It was like a mystery he didn't know how to solve so he went to the one person he knew could answer his questions. Lily.

" lily, does bambi mean anything?" James asked one night in the common room.

She was flipping through some magazine when he asked and she peered over her book to look at him.

" huh? Why are you asking about bambi?"

" nothing much. Someone just mentioned it to me, i want to know what it means."

Lily shrugged and looked back down at the magazine.

" it doesn't mean anything, its just a children's movie. Me and my sister used to watch it on the telly back at home."

" telly?"

" television. Its a muggle device families often have." She explained.

James' shoulders slumped as he sighed in irritation. Ever since moony mentioned that bambi was actually a frail little deer he couldn't help but feel offended.

So to give himself the benefit of the doubt he needed to know what significance the ridiculous name had to severus, just to calm his mind.

" so it doesn't have a meaning?"

Lily shook her head as she tried to ignore james.

" not that i can think of. Although Sev used to really like it."

At this James' attention was snapped back at lily.

" really?"

" mhm. It was his favorite movie growing up." She nodded.

She didn't know how to feel about talking about her best friend to his arch nemesis but it was such a small detail it couldn't have done any damage right?

However contrary to her thought, james had just been given the answers to all his questions.

So he named me after his favorite movie. Huh. That's kinda sweet.

Feeling much better with himself he jumped up from his seat and grabbed his jacket.

" where are you going?" Lily asked when james suddenly sprang up from his seat and snatched his coat from the armchair.

" I'm going for a walk. Dont wait up." He winked and caused lily to grimace.

Now that he knew what bambi meant he decided to see the person who gave it to him. Even though they basically see each other everyday now he never seemed to get enough.

His life was already a chaotic mess but Severus gave him moments of peace.

Pockets of quiet when they can just relax into each other's company. It was odd but comforting.

So he made his way out of the common room, crawling through the painting and nearly missing his head on the beam.

As he walked down the corridors ready to head to the forbidden forest he collided with someone, the other dropping their book bag in the midst.

" oh sorry-"

" watch it potter. God are you that blind?" Severus said irritably, picking up his bag and the contents that had happen to spill from it.

" hey i said sorry didn't i?" James yelled back by pure habit. As soon as he saw who it was he was already putting on an annoyed expression.

" whatever, just leave me alone." Severus rolled his eyes and walked past him, pushing his shoulders back.

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