Part 16

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One week.

One week since the incident, one week since Remus' identity was discovered and one week since it all came pouring out of James.

It was shocking how supportive his friends were being. Well as supportive as they could be about this and he was fine with it.

But if you thought Severus Snape hated James Potter before well now he took it to a whole new level.

Not even glances, not in hallways, classes or courtyard. If james walked in a room he would walk out, if James was using the library he would wait until he left.

It was almost unbearably isolating.

" are you okay?"

Are you ok.

He's heard those words more times in the last four days than he has his entire life.

Everyone is worried, everyone is on edge.

The gryffindors had made their move and the Slytherins were about to make theirs. It was a terrifying ordeal.

" im fine." He found himself saying.

He didn't know if it was true or not but at this point all he could feel was numbness and dread. He felt hopeless about Severus and the attention he was getting from certain people weren't helping.

He looked beyond the sea of people between them and caught Severus' eye.

Severus looked at him with a blank stare and it lasted only a second before he looked down at his plate. He wasn't saying anything but there were people crowding and talking around him.

Then his eyes shifted to look at someone else from the gryffindor table and James' eyes followed his.

It landed on lily who was staring between james and severus worriedly.

What's happening?

" im gonna go." James said and stood up, deciding he's had enough of breakfast.

" are you sure? You haven't eaten much." Remus asked.

" im fine Moony. Dont worry."

Remus looked unconvinced but nodded and let him go anyway.

James walked out of the great hall and into the bathroom, leaning against the sink with his head in his hands.

" oh."

He didn't realize there was someone else in the room until they said that and his head shot up to meet them.

" oh. Sorry I didn't-"

" no no its fine." Regulus gave a nervous smile and wiped his hands dry, ready to take his leave.

" wait, Black?"

Regulus turned around and rose an eyebrow, all of james' confidence wavering.

" you're close with Severus now right?"

" oh I wouldn't say close. Its far too early for that, I'd just say we're friends."

" uh-huh. So is he doing alright?"

" what do you mean?" Regulus crossed his arms over his chest.

" is he ok. Like he's not pissed or anything right?"

" oh no he's pissed. He's pissed at you but dont worry, he wont do anything to ya. If you haven't noticed he's been avoiding you like the plague." Regulus chuckled and james nodded, hands balling into fists.

" yeah, believe me i know."

" what did you do to him anyway? When he came back last week he was really shaken. Trembling all over."

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