Part 18

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It was annoying. Honestly so so annoying.

It was like Potter was hiding behind every pillar and every corner and Petrova was in the one just right over.

" leave me alone. You're voice is annoying me, not to mention your face makes me want to jump out a window so leave." Severus quipped as he walked down the halls.

" resorting to insults now are we?" Petrova asked with his hands behind his back.

" im not resorting to insults, its just the truth. And if you cant get that through your thick bulgarian skull maybe you should just go back to annoying the students of Durmstrang."

This seemed to just amuse Petrova more because he let out a hearty laugh and shook his head with a grin.

" ah you are one mean man."

" what can i say? You bring out the worst in me." Severus ended the conversation there and took a quick turn just as the staircase started moving, leaving Petrova stranded on a particular staircase that led to a wall.

All he could do was gawk as severus completely ignored him, opting to swing by the lake instead.

Seriously, i think id honestly rather spend a whole week with Potter than Petrova.

And speak of the devil, he came because Potter had just rounded the corner and made his way right into Severus' arms, tripping over his robes and taking severus down with him.

" agh for fucks sake, can you do nothing right?" Severus asked.

" sorry I didn't see you." Potter responded while dusting off his pants, giving severus a hand when he went to stand up but severus just slapped it out of his face.

" i dont need your help." He said bitterly and continued to walk, potter apparently not getting the message as he followed him.

" hey can we talk?"

" we already talked."

" i know but we kinda ended on bad terms and i just-"

" im sorry, were you under the impression we could leave on a positive note after what you did? Because let me assure you potter, being friends with you was not the outcome i was hoping for." Severus stopped for a second before pulling Potter into an empty hallway.

" i know. I messed up, i have no excuse. But um...have you thought about it?" James asked, looking nervous.

" thought about what? How you foolishly confessed your love to me after kissing me without my permission?" Severus cocked his head to the side.

James swallowed and nodded.

" right. Definitely unwarranted."

" i would say."

James turned his head and opened his mouth to say something but it was quite some time until words came out.

" have you had time to think about it?"

" think about what?"

" you know. My confession?"

" yes Potter I've been obsessing over this for the past three days without sleep, in fact i was so plagued by the thought i decided to not even blink until i found the reality behind this."

" wait really?"

" no. Have you never heard of sarcasm?" Severus asked, almost genuinely but James knew not to fall for it.

" look can you at least be nice about this? Im the one with my heart out."

" and nobody asked you to take that heart out. You wear it on your sleeve like its something to be proud of, put it away before it gets hurt."

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