Part 19

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" you are a fucking idiot."

James looked up from where his head was in his hands and pursed his lips.

" great words of encouragement Moony."

" oh thats not what that was meant to be. You kissed him, confessed your love, brought up his dad and cornered him in the bathroom. You cant think that was alright." Moony shook his head and crossed his arms and legs.

" ok I definitely dont but fuck this hurts."

" of course it does you idiot."

Moony sighed and james all but started to sob into his desk.

" are you still not talking to peter?"

" of course not. He put you, me, sirius AND severus in danger. I dont care what his reasoning was that was way to risky." James huffed.

" maybe he was coerced into it? Possessed?"

" Moony people dont just get possessed out of nowhere. The poltergeists here are harmless, all myrtle does is be creepy in the bathroom, nearly headless nick just plays pranks all day and the bloody Barron hates kids so much he'd  rather die a second time than possess them."

Moony sighed and leaned back into the sofa.

" well we cant just cut him off like that. He's been out best friend for 5 years we cant do that to him."

" well i plan to ignore him for as long as i can and if you have a problem with it then it sounds like a you issue." James said and stood up, walking around the desk to lean against it.

" then what is your plan then? You've just lost two friends, it's gotta be taking some kind of toll on you."

" no the only toll its taking on me is that i am absolutely furious with life right now. My best friend put my other best friends and the guy i love in jeopardy, the guy i love is being head hunted by death eaters and is ignoring me, and throughout all this i still haven't had time to  process the fact that, oh yeah, IM IN LOVE WITH A GUY."

Moony shook his head and closed his eyes.

" you gotta rest."

" i cant moony. I gotta go do something. I cant sit still." James said before storming off.

" thats not a good idea!" Moony yelled behind him.

" when has that ever stopped me?"


" please just leave." Severus said with so much exhaustion in his voice.

" i cant keep letting you chase after me. Its tiring." He continued as they stood in a secluded area of the library.

" you're just here to finish lucius' job and for the last time it wont happen." He said sternly.

Petrova sighed and stepped forward towards him. Severus was tempted to use a spell to send him flying into the back wall but then again there were just too many precious books around.

" give it a chance. We'll give you a home. A place to belong."

" I already have a home. A place i belong to."

" what? that redheaded girls lion den? And can you really call that sad little broken house a home?"

" watch it." Severus said and smacked petrova on the collarbone with a thick book, making his step back in surprise and pain.

" i am not like you people. Leave me alone, you think you can rope me into this by insulting me? Believe me ive had enough of that already."

" that hurt you know." Petrova said as he rubbed his collarbones, hissing slightly.

" if you wont go by choice i can make you go by force." He said and severus' eyes darkened.

" well id like to see you try Petrova. Because i dont know if you realized but i am one hell of a dueler and if you try anything I'm more than happy to send you to the infirmary." Severus stepped up to Petrova, face barely inches apart.

Severus was a few centimeters taller than petrova, you could tell now because petrova's eyes fell just a bit short.

" if you're really that confident how about we test out your threat? Tonight, forbidden forest? Maybe pay your deer friend a visit?"

Severus' eyes widened and he looked him up and down.

" how do you know about that?"

Petrova smirked and started to walk away backwards.

" i know a lot of things Snape."


" James im sorry." Peter said as he scurried around, following him into the library.

" get the fuck away from me Peter." James said harshly and peter slightly squeaked.

" you dont know what it was like! They cornered me, told me to do it or else!"

" or else what? Did you really think putting us in danger like that was worth whatever 'precious' thing they offered you?"

" you don't understand. I feel like i dont belong here! I dont belong anywhere. " peter yelled and james sighed.

" maybe you're right wormtail. You dont belong anywhere. Certainly not around me." James said and walked away, trying to walk out of the room as soon as he could.

He heard whimpering behind him and almost felt sorry.


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