Part 7

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It had been a couple months since their meetings. Fall turned to winter and winter meant Christmas so for the three weeks of winter break the castle stood empty. Almost empty.

Surprisingly severus decided to go home. His mother, the shell of a human being she's become asked him to and who was he to deny her.

But it wasn't all bad. Lily went home too and she was just a hill over, barely a 15 minute walk. She was there when severus needed to escape his nightmare father who was in an even worser mood with the cold and 'annoying' lights.

Still, there were some instances where he couldn't get out in time. A few bruises and cuts that wouldn't heal in time and that his mother couldn't use magic on.

Going home was always the worst.

But anyway, now he was on the train back to the castle. His clothes and mood were in a worser state but at least he would have 6 more months until he'd be forced to go back.

" are you sure you're ok?" Lily asked.

When she saw him at the train station she practically trampled him into a hug. Severus said hello to the Evans with some struggle and as per usual he got a sympathetic hello back.

It sucked.

But not as much as this.

" ow lily stop!" Severus flinched when lily started poking around his body, evidently looking for bruises and other injuries.

" i knew it! You got hurt didn't you? Your crappy father did this to you, god you should've never went home. Take off your shirt im gonna put some healing cream on it."

" im fine lily-"

" severus I've heard that enough times. Now take it off, it needs to be dealt with. I cant have you walking around in pain." She said sternly, obviously not taking any retorts.

Severus had a reluctant look on his face but gave up, nodding slowly and taking off his shirt. He winced when he heard lily gasp.

She covered it up quickly, slapping a hand to her mouth to pretend it never happened but she does it every time she sees Severus after he goes home.

" its not that serious, ill be fine-"

" no you wont." Lily poked a particularly big bruise and severus yelped in pain.

" lily what the hell?!"

" its the only way you'll sit down! Now be quiet and let me to do this." She scolded and before he knew it there was a (very) cold substance being rubbed on his back and shoulders.

" ah thats cold!"

" stop whining!"

The two of them could never sit quietly, severus commenting on every little thing so he didn't have to talk about the nature of the injuries like lily wanted.

There was one large bruise spreading from his side up to his ribs, an ugly purplish green color now and his face had more than a few cuts and equally purplish green colored bruises.

He couldn't hide it from lily which was the worst part.

" so you wanna tell me how you got the busted lip and the giant bruise on your ribs?" Lily asked in a surprisingly normal tone.

There was no pity in the sentence, even though severus knew how she felt after seeing him like this but she masked it well.

She knew severus wouldn't answer unless she phrased it normally.

" uh my father was drunk again and started chasing my mother. so I tried to intervene and the bottle he was holding shattered over my head." He said softly.

Lily nodded, feeling her heart ache.

" and the bruise?"

" ah my gift for Christmas. He found me trying to sneak out of the house and kicked me in the ribs." Severus nodded.

Lily swallowed and bit the inside of her cheek. She wished she could help severus she really does. She's taken multiple steps in trying to get him out of there, offered her home, offered to call the police maybe even the ministry. There has to be someone for that.

But every time she brings it up severus shoots it down before she could even finish her sentence.

And she really wished severus would just listen.

" hey sev-"

" Hey where is Evans' carriage?!" A familiar voice yelled outside.

Severus cursed under his breath and stood up quickly, buttoning up his shirt as quick as possible and for whatever reason lily stood up with him.

" is that Potter?" Lily asked.

" who else would it be?" Severus hissed back.

Mid conversation the carriage door flew open and James stood on the other side with the slyest expression you have ever seen.

That expression quickly faded when he saw Severus trying to button up his shirt and arguing with lily.

Both stared at him with wide eyes and severus quickly darted past him into the hallway.

" wait-!" James yelled and reached out to grab Severus but he was already running to the bathroom.

James chased after him, running into the bathroom just in time before severus locked the door shut.

" what the hell are you doing here Potter?!"

" are you sleeping with lily?" James asked angrily.

" what?"

James didn't answer. His eyebrows were furrowed together and he was staring at severus intently.

" for fucks sake, for the last time i dont have a crush on lily! When will you get that through your thick skull?!"

" then why were you shirtless in there? The train hasn't even moved yet and you two couldn't wait huh?"

" are you serious right now? It's not like that between me and your pathetic crush on MY best friend. Will you get a life other than tormenting me and her?"

Severus moved to walk past the other but james moved so he was basically pinned to the door.

" let go, what the hell is wrong with you?"

" then tell me what you were doing. Why were you shirtless in there and why are you so keen on getting away from me?"

" oh i dont know, because i HATE you? And you hate me? I dont know about you but i dont particularly like revealing aspects of my personal life with my arch nemesis."

James' chest hurt when he heard the word 'hate'.

Severus hates James. James hates Severus. That's how its always been.

" stop being a prick and tell me. Ill leave you alone if you do." James persisted.

Severus' chest heaved and he had a sour expression on his face.

" fine i got hurt when i was at home and she was healing the bruise. Happy?" Severus threw james off himself and left the bathroom with a huff.

There was a small group of people in the hallway watching the bathroom. Apparently their arguing wasn't the quietest.

Still, who was Potter to question MY life? Who does he think he is?

Damn it.

He missed bambi.

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