Part 10

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Winter was over. Exam season was ahead and the greenery had come back to life with some help from Dumbledore and Professor Sprout.

Everything had gone smoothly. Severus was avoiding his classmates and staying clear of the offensive new student. He was spending more time with his studies and the now occasional forest visits to the clearing but his new work ethic made clear improvements in his work.

He perfected his planetarium spell and he was happy to say that Professor Sprout was far more impressed than he could imagine. The potion he had been working on for months was finally ready for presentation and Professor slughorn pulled him aside to tell him he had a promising future.

His new spells for defense against dark arts was a resounding success and the tree bark severus had demonstrated on was left in scatters by the time he was done.

The only class he had gotten less than perfect in was Divination and Astronomy but he wasn't too worried about it.

He was on a good road to acing his O.W.L's. His hard work was paying off.

" hey sev." Lily said gingerly, walking up to him as he read his book and wrote down notes at the same time.

" hey lily." He said without looking up.

" uh i was wondering if you were free tonight. Maybe we could go to Hogsmeade together, i know you've been stressing." She asked as severus barely glanced a look at her.

He knew he was distancing himself. He felt how much they've drifted in the past three months ever since Petrova and his absurd accusations.

He felt lily recoil every time severus sat with her up to the point he stopped all together. They stopped hanging out and eventually it was to the point they haven't hung out in months.

Severus knew he should say yes, rekindle their friendship so he didn't have to lose the only person who mattered.

But he couldn't help but feel responsible for his housemates who always taunted lily.

He felt as though they needed space.

" im sorry. I'd really love to but i have to study."

" come on. You've been studying for the past three months straight its all you do."

" i need to ace all my OWL's lily."

" you have enough knowledge in your brain to do that already. Come on go with me."

" lily i said no, will you just drop it?" Severus snapped.

Lily flinched when he raised his voice and the immediate guilt washed over him.

" im sorry I didn't mean to yell-"

" no no its fine. I get it, you're busy. Ill see you later then ok?" Lily nodded, giving him a sad smile before walking away from his table.

He felt awful treating her like this. He felt it was necessary to keep the distance between them but it wasn't a painless process.


Just two tables over in the library sat a certain gryffindor with his group of friends. He watched the small outburst and watched lily walk away dejected and crestfallen.

His eyes turned to Severus who looked so guilty and full of hatred it hurt to see. It was obvious both of them were suffering during this falling out.

No matter how much James hated them being friends, he didn't want them to suffer like this.

" hey what are you looking at?" Sirius asked and looked over his shoulder to see.

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