Part 17

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" you cant ignore me forever."

" i can ignore you for as long as i want."

" as long as you can. We have to talk at some point."

" about what? What how you lied to me and pretended to be what you're not to get close to me?"

" but I didn't pretend!

" you're trying to tell me that you posing as a normal deer for 6 months isn't PRETEND?" Severus yelled.

He was just walking down a hall. All he did was walk down a hall and then he got yanked into an empty classroom and was hashing everything out with the last person he wanted to see.

" its been 2 weeks and you havent so much as glanced at me."

" with good reason."

" well its not good enough for me."

" well what would be? Because im fairly certain that i have every right to completely cut you out of my life. Oh wait, you were never in it to begin with."

James' heart clenched with the harsh words. This was never the plan, however his plan was never truly rock solid in the first place.

" please you cant pretend i dont exist."

" oh yes i can and i plan to do that for the remainder of our school years so goodbye."

Severus turned to leave but james held onto his arm and spun him around. Before severus even begin to complain james' lips were on his in the most hasty, non romantic way possible.

Severus pushed him off and jumped away like james was something dangerous and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

" what the fuck was that?!" He yelled, eyes wide and a furious anger boiling in him.

" look the reason why i want to make good so bad is because..." james said but his voice got high and choked off.

" Potter you better have a good reason as to why you basically assaulted me with your lips." Severus hissed and James had a pained look on his face.

His hands felt clammy and he rubbed them onto the sides of his jeans.

" i...uh im kinda in love with you." James said and squinted, fearing Severus' reaction.

And with good reason too because severus all but exploded in anger.

" you WHAT?!"

" here me out-"

" no are you trying to fix the fact you made me feel utterly humiliated and hurt by telling me you fell in love with me in the progress?"

" im not trying to fix the situation like this, i needed you to know and i needed to have my feelings heard before you had the chance to walk out on me!"

" well let me have my feelings heard loud and clear because you made me feel like shit after i found out that the person i had confided the deepest parts of myself with was actually my least favorite person in the world."

Again. The words stung.

" not to mention that finding out you were what you were was so completely and utterly humiliating. You know what its like to vent to someone you thought would never even have the chance to pass it on be the exact opposite? I felt so stupid for telling a deer of all things all that crap about myself as SOON as I realized it was you."

James swallowed and everytime he tried to say something the words died at the back of his throat.

" you're friends ruined my 7 year friendship, your friends also put my life at risk, i almost killed someone because of it and now you come to me with your pity party saying shit i dont even want to believe? Dont kid me with sweet words Potter, i dont have to accept that love and im not obligated to anyway."

" Severus please. You have to at least give me a chance to make things right."

" well i dont want to. And dont use my first name, you were never given that right and at this rate you never will." Severus said as he looked james up and down with so much malice it made james' eyes sting with tears.

Without so much as a goodbye severus walked away and left james to wallow in himself.

He felt pathetic and so so guilty for everything that had happened. It was too much for the span of 3 weeks and james couldn't help but feel responsible for it.

He wanted to tell him all the reasons why he fell in love with him but felt hopeless when he wouldn't even give him the chance.

He felt hopeless in this situation.


" is everything in place?" The heavy bulgarian accent asked on the other side of the floo.

" Da. Everything is falling apart as we have expected."

" good. Excellent job Andrei."

" thank you. Ill report back next week."

" ok. Dovizhdane."

" Dovizhdane Uncle."

The fire went out, the common room back to its greenish glow.

" the bulgarian language is very confusing."

Petrova smiled and turned his head to grin at the visitor.

" it's easy when it's your mother tongue."

The blond man didn't smile like he did, just nodded and walked around the couch to sit on the seat.

" Well I didn't have much luck recruiting Snape when i was in school. Hopefully you will be able to convince him." Malfoy said with a stoic glance.

" oh im not going to convince him. Im going to ruin him until he has no choice but to join us." Petrova said and stood up, dusting his hands of fireplace soot and ash.

" no mercy. I like it."

" luckily the pesky marauders boys are already doing an excellent job at ruining his life. All i have to do is throw him a lifeline when all is said and done."

" well act quick. The Dark lord may be all powerful but he is impatient. And Severus is a type of intelligence and diligence we need on our side."

" relax Mr. Malfoy. I wont disappoint."

" you better not. All is counting on you Petrova."

Petrova had a devlish look on his face and he hummed.

" like i said before. Dont worry, i wont disappoint."

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