Part 3

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School was overwhelming, it was like the teachers were dead set on ruining everyones lives for midterms and James was taking it hard.

He may not be as smart as Remus or get good grades like lily but he does pretty well when it comes to the academics of it all.

However he had a new favorite hobby he would do every time he wanted to skip out on studying or get some fresh air. Going to the clearing in the forbidden forest and waiting for Severus so he could snag a few snacks from him.

Sure he felt a little awkward doing it but what Severus didn't know couldn't hurt him.

So that's why he was telling himself it's completely normal that severus was leaning against him reading a book.

"Ugh i can't get this spell down. It's supposed to be simple- well not simple per say but i could definitely do it. But im not exactly the best at these types of things." Severus complained, sitting up so he could stare at the pages in his heavy almost ancient looking book.

James turned his head a little to see what he was staring at and almost instantly got giddy.
It was a defense against dark arts spell, the one James was particularly good at. Ah screw that, he was a master at it.

So being the ever so nosy stag he is, he pointed his snout at the book and huffed.

"Huh? Do you know what this is?" Severus asked with a raised eyebrow.

James froze then looked around to avoid looking at severus. It's weird that a deer would know about wizard stuff right?

"It's a pretty difficult spell. I can't seem to get it down. Although I could see why I can't, there isn't exactly a boat load of happy memories I could just pick and choose from." Severus knit his brows close together, obviously thinking.

James laid his head on the grass next to Severus who was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed. His wand in his hand, twirling around effortlessly as james just continued to stare off into the horizon.

"I wonder if that one will work." Severus said to himself quietly and stood up, taking James' attention with him.

"I mean it's not much but its worth a shot."

Severus shook off the grass and leaves, some of them landing in james' unruly shaggy fur.
Even in animagus form his hair was still giving him trouble.

He watched Severus steady himself, point his wand up into the air and take in a deep breath, closing his eyes in concentration.

"Expecto Patronum."

His voice was quiet but firm, not exactly a shout but if he had scolded someone with it James would've definitely jumped.

As the spell left his wand it morphed into a glowing blue orb, not quite a shape and yet it had a decent size to it.

You have to think longer than that, James couldn't help but think to himself.
"Shit. It still isn't working."

James' ears straightened out from hearing Severus curse. He's always thought of Severus as the posh and polite type, and he's certainly never heard him curse before.

"Ok, maybe this one." Severus said as if he was flipping through a book of happy memories he could use.

There was only a little but he was sure it's enough to create a patronus.

Again he took a deep breath, smiling to himself at the memory of that day. It was the day he met Lily, how they stayed out all day and how severus taught her everything to know about wizards.

It was one of his most cherished moments and he knew if anything was to work it would be this.

"Expecto Patronum" he said softer this time, feeling the magic weave through him and opened his eyes.

The once wispy blue orb had started to morph itself into an animal, and from the blue mist emerged a beautiful blue doe.

His eyebrows shot up and he stepped back, letting the deer prance around in the air and ground.

"Huh. Guess I just attract deer?" He said as he turned back to the stag still seated on the ground.

James couldn't help but stare at the figure, the admittedly beautiful female deer danced around Severus and coated him in happiness.

He felt a little envious towards the faux animal. He didn't know why but he wished he could rub his head against Severus like his patronus had done without stabbing him. Or creating an internal strain on his psyche.

Nonetheless he stood up, walked to the patronus and peered at it with a quizzical look.

"Don't get your hopes up, she's not a real Doe. It's just a spell." Severus said softly, watching the animal disappear in front of him slowly as the spell wore off.

The glowing blue light had shut and left them with the growing darkness. The sun was starting to set.

How long had they been there?

Probably a while considering it was only about noon when both of them arrived there.

"Well, I should get going." Severus sighed while he pet James, feeling the soft but shaggy texture under his palm.

"You're fur reminds me of someone." He said to himself but it caught James' attention.

James spun his head around, almost knocking himself over but in the process had nicked Severus' cheek.

Blood started to drip from the wound and severus brought a hand to it, cursing lightly under his breath.

"Shit, I have to get ointment for this." He started to wipe off some of the blood but the gash was bleeding in surprising amounts.

James panicked, feeling sorry but also frozen as he didn't know what to do. I mean he was definitely remorseful for injuring Severus but at the same time he was a deer and he couldn't really do anything to help.

So, he did the one thing he remembered to do whenever you were bleeding. Lick the wound.

"Ah what the-?" Severus yelped when James licked some of the blood off, cringing at the coppery taste in his mouth.

He sneezed and visibly grimaced when he did it. It wasn't that it tasted bad, it's just that he didn't exactly want someone else's blood on his tongue.

Probably should've thought of that before he licked it.

Severus sighed and wiped the now bloody and saliva covered area.

"I gotta go take care of this. See ya later.....uh." He froze as he pulled his bag over his head so it sat across his body.

He realized he didn't give the deer a name, if he even should but it felt only right. Then something clicked and he snapped his fingers together.

"Bambi. I'll call you bambi. See ya later." He smiled at the rather fond name and ran off into the woods, not looking back at the royally confused looking stag.

Because even though James was smart he still couldn't help but think what the hell was a Bambi?

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