Part 21 ( last part)

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September 1st 1976

" oh please stop worrying. You look great!" Lily reassured while severus continued to fidget with his hair.

" its too short."

" oh shut up, you look amazing. If you didn't already have a suitor everyone would be all over you."

" ew who the fuck says suitor?"

" shut up i was trying to be posh." Lily rolled her eyes.

Severus stifled a laugh as they walked onto the platform, the bright scarlet train whistling loudly.

It was bustling with people like always, excited 1st years and tired 7th years all brimming with anticipation alike.

" hey Severus." Someone pat his shoulder and severus looked to his side.

" nice haircut." Regulus smiled and severus' eyes widened.

" since when were you actually tall?" He asked.

Regulus gave a confident shrug and cracked his knuckles.

" proud to say im officially 4 centimeters taller than my brother." He announced and severus scoffed.

" and 5 centimeters shorter than me." He said and pushed his head away.

" hey! Dont bully the younger years." Lily scolded and regulus smiled proudly.

" why thank you Evans. You should listen to her Severus." Regulus commented and lily gave a supportive grin.

Severus looked between the two and gave a fake smile towards them.

" my two friends ganging up on me. How fun. Now if you'll excuse me-" he said and ran off into a crowd of 7th years, disappearing in front of their eyes.

" i like his hair." Regulus said casually and lily nodded.

" i cut it yesterday. Anything shorter than jaw length and he was going to throw me in a ditch."

Regulus gave her a confused look and furrowed his brows.

" then how come you're not in a ditch?"

Lily just shrugged and walked faster.

" came this close to hexing me."


Severus found an empty carriage and threw his luggage onto the overhead shelf. He'd been woken up at 5 am this morning by his mother who was a little too happy about him starting 6th year, then dragged to lily's house at 7 am so they would take a portkey ( curtesy of the lovely Eileen Snape) to the magic train station.

Needless to say, he was a little exhausted.

So he threw the hood of his shirt over his head and over his eyes, laid on the train seats ( with some trouble) and tried to take a well deserved nap.

Meanwhile the loud, obnoxious, slightly taller group of marauders—minus peter—had just boarded the train and was reeking havoc trying to find an empty carriage to sit in together.

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