Part 15

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He was shaking. His hands trembled in his lap and no matter what he did he just could not stay still.

He had run into the dungeons and immediately collapsed onto the couch. Thankfully it was in the middle of the night and the common room was pretty deserted on its own so no one saw him.

Except Regulus. He was in the private library when he came in and heard his panting and heavy breathes.

It felt like someone dropped an anvil on his heart.

" woah Snape are you ok?" Regulus ran and made him sit down first because severus was freaking the fuck out.

What the fuck did i just witness? What was all this? Is this even real?

" are you okay?" Regulus asked again and severus nodded shakily.

" yeah. I uh- just got some weird news."

" you're shaking all over and you disappeared for like 2 hours. Are you sure?"

" mhm. I just need some rest."

He could tell regulus wasn't believing any of this but he willed himself to speak because he couldn't just leave regulus out to dry.

James Potter is a stag. Remus Lupin is a werewolf. Sirius Black is a dog.

Holy shit.

" was it my brother again?" Regulus asked, this time more reserved.

" um. No. No it wasn't him its just...i just dont know how to take it thats all." Severus shook his head and the look regulus had on his face made him feel sorry.

He looked pained at the thought of his brother being behind this and Severus didn't want to involve them.

" could you do me a favor?" Severus asked.

" anything."

Severus swallowed the lump in his throat and threw his pride away, deciding he needed this more than anything at the moment.

" can you call lily? She wont respond to me but she'll respond to you."

Regulus had a small awkward smile and nodded curtly before standing up.

" oh and tell her its about Potter. She'll understand."


" oh my god. Holy mother of fuck, are you fucking serious right now?!" Sirius yelled and james rubbed at his eyes.

" for fucks sake THATS WHY YOU'VE BEEN SO WEIRD?"

" I didn't want any of this to happen!"

" what happened to lily? The whole future you've been planning with her? What? its all gone then?" Sirius asked, stepping closer to james.

" dont do that. Dont ambush me."

" im not ambushing you, i need answers and explanations because whatever bullshit you just told me isn't getting through to my brain."

James huffed and he honestly felt like curling into a ball and dying.

" no you dont."

It was hoarse and raspy and the two of them immediately knew Remus had recovered.

" Moony are you okay?" James asked and walked over, grabbing one of the blankets to wrap around his friend.

" im fine. And for the record Padfoot, Prongs doesn't owe you an explanation for his feelings. He's allowed to love who he wants and if you have a problem with it then its a you problem." Remus said as he walked past the two, pulling on a new shirt and pants on the way.

" where the hell are you going?" Sirius asked.

" to deal with the mess this has caused."

" what now?"

Remus' head popped out of the neck hole of his sweater and he nodded.

" yes now." Was all he said as he ran out of the shrieking shack.

The two were left behind, james feeling devastated and filled with guilt while sirius honestly couldn't process this.

I mean how do you?

It was a shock to say the least and James looked on the verge of tears but he didn't know how to help him.

He didn't know what to do.

" do you really like him?" Sirius asked slowly and james visibly tensed.

"...yes." He said quietly, almost as if he didn't want to admit it.

" and you want to be with him?"


Sirius nodded, pursing his lips and feeling certain dread come over him.

" so he's the person you've been sneaking off to see every night?"

James looked at him bewildered, eyes wide.

" how did you-?"

" you never were the quiet type Prongs."

James nodded and looked away at the ground.

He waited for a response, a word, a lifeline, anything. But neither had the words to say anything and neither knew what to do.

Until sirius said something James didn't know how to feel about. Because he truly didn't know how to go about it.

" so....what do we do next?"

James has no idea.

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