Part 8

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James was in a pissy mood. Remus' words not his.

He would say he was being absent but to remus he was a 'rude little shit' so thats what he was calling james.

The reason for his sour mood was his 'confrontation' with severus that morning. Everything was going so well. He was back on the train, reunited with his friends, about to say hi to the most beautiful girl in the world but instead was faced with THAT.

Almost shirtless severus getting mad at him over a perfectly weird situation that obviously warranted a LOT of questions.

But now he was staring at severus with an angry expression and thats when he noticed something.

He has a cut on his lip. And there's a bruise forming on his jaw thats covered up by his long hair.

James sat up, squinting to see if what he saw was real and thats when severus stared right back.

He flinched in response and covered his head while the headmaster did his whole ' welcome back students. Hope you had a lovely blah blah blah' speech.

He hoped severus didn't catch him but the chances of that was slim.

He dared to look at severus again, peeking from his elbows and saw that severus was looking down at the table and playing around with his food.

He was sitting at the Slytherin table which was customary when you come back from break. Otherwise he probably would be joined at the hip with lily.

James looked away and tried to focus on the speech which—lets face it, nobody was listening to.

It was unnecessarily long and only really benefited the teachers.

" oh and i know this is a bit unusual but we have a new student joining from now on. His name is Andrei Petrova, a student from Bulgaria. He used to study at Durmstrang and has since transferred to hogwarts. I expect a warm welcome from all of you and greetings to the new member of Slytherin house." Dumbledore smiled and the entire great hall erupted in chatter.

People whispered and turned to one another trying to spot the new student.

" Mr. Petrova could you please stand up?" Mcgonagal asked and everyone looked towards the slytherin house.

A tall boy with dark brown hair stood up hesitantly, shifting as he sighed and looked around, not so pleased with the attention.

James heard the girls from his house giggle and squeal at the prospect of the new 'handsome' face. James didn't really see it. He was tall, incredibly pale and had sort of fluffy hair.

I mean he wasn't that special. He kind of reminded him of severus with that crooked nose of his. Obviously it wasn't as noticeable or standout-ish as severus' but you could tell.

And plus he was just as tall as severus, if not shorter so what even was the attention for?

They should be paying attention to the—now—clearly hurt severus who's face was busted for whatever reason.

Maybe he'll vent about it when i see him in the forest.

Wait am i HOPING to see him?

He scoffed at himself which got a few glares but didn't attract a lot of looks since everyone's eyes were glued to this Petrova guy or whatever.

Who even transfers in the middle of the year? What did he do to need to transfer anyway who was this guy?

" A great big welcome from the hogwarts staff and student body. You may sit down now Mr.Petrova." Dumbledore announced and he did as he was told.

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