Part 14

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He was here. Oh god he was here. He was actually walking up the road leading to the shrieking shack.

It was terrifying. The full moon was suspended in the air and was NOT helping the tone of the night.

It seemed quiet and yet every once in a while there was a wild huff that shook the old house.
He entered slowly, tentatively and with hesitation.

He could not for the life of him find a reason why he chose to follow Pettigrews words. Maybe he was hoping for something that wasn't there.

Maybe it was another prank and he was walking into a lions den. Maybe he was telling the truth.

The old wooden door creaked open at the light touch, adding to the creepy atmosphere.

There was no sound, just low huffs and once in a while a growl.

Curiosity killed the cat and Severus walked towards the stairs leading to the second floor. The floorboards felt almost too weak, as if it would break under any kind of weight.

The house smelled of sweat and....wet dog?

His head came just above the second floor ground and thats when he saw it. His eyes widened and he basically stumbled back into the wall.

He saw a large grey wolf, standing on two hind legs obviously mid transition. Next to him was a large black dog looking less than amused and...bambi?

The stag looked at the wolf with determination and pranced in place without a worry.

Severus stared at the sight, horrified and yet so so so confused.

He stepped back and the old creaky wood made a rather loud noise.

The werewolf stared at him with glowing yellow eyes and severus was locked in a terrifying stare. The other two animals seemed to notice as the dog became alert, looking at the stag with sudden urgency.

The werewolf charged at him and severus panicked, taking out his wand and saying the first spell that came to mind.

" Sectumsepra!"

" NO." A loud screech broke the stare and severus' head snapped towards the side.

In place of where the stag was....was james. He was running towards the creature, trying to get in front of it and it barely grazed his shoulder.

Still, the spell took effect and started to slice up James' arm and shoulder, blood dripping down his torso and bleeding through his shirt.

A low growl followed by a whimper brought them back to the now injured werewolf, falling to the ground and clawing at its body, making it worse.

" Severus reverse it! Thats moony!" James yelled while wincing, the cuts still making its way down his body.

That thing is Lupin?!

" what the hell are you doing here?!" Severus yelled but made his way towards the creature he now knows is Remus Lupin.

" what are you?!" Sirius yelled and severus felt like he was losing his mind.

Three animals were replaced by the three people he hated most and it was messing with him.

" stay still."

Severus put an binding spell on Remus, his limbs locking to his sides and letting out quiet whimpers as severus worked.

His wand hovered over Remus as he muttered the reversal spell, the blood seeping back into his body as the wounds stitched themselves shut.

The other two walked over, james limping and once the various wounds were done Severus worked on James.

His healed up quicker, faster and cleaner as most of the damage was taken by Lupin.

Once everything was done and Severus put a sleeping spell on Lupin, the now unconscious, body bound and mostly healed werewolf sleeping peacefully in the corner, Severus turned his attention on james.

"'re the stag?" He said through gritted teeth in a low voice.

James gulped and looked away.

" let me explain-"

" oh please do because i just saw a WEREWOLF who is apparently Lupin try to attack me, i attacked you AND him and not to mention, YOU TWO ARE ANIMAGUS'?" He yelled and james flinched.

James didn't say anything, neither did Sirius who just rubbed the back of his head.

" you lied to me." Severus whispered and james felt the hurt in his voice.

The way it trembled slightly with every word and how betrayed he sounded.

" you pretended to be a wild animal for MONTHS just so you could try to get me killed? And you sent Pettigrew of all people. How could you-? Why...."he shut his eyes, feeling the weight of the world fall on his shoulders.

" for fucks sake." Severus whispered and walked past James in a hurry.

He nearly missed james' arm that shot up to grab onto severus but he managed to avoid it.

" dont touch me. Dont talk to me, dont even go near me. If you do then the next time i wont reverse my curses." He said sternly and fled the house, running back to the tunnel leading to the castle.

James was left, shirt bloody and body still stinging with pain. He was exhausted and he had just seen the guy he was trying so hard not to piss off walk away from him.

Then again James' efforts didn't show much.

" what the hell was that?" Sirius whispered and james looked back at him with eyes stinging.

" Padfoot im in trouble."

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