Part 20

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He was crazy. He was actually insane for doing this.

It was 11 pm and severus snape was sneaking around the castle to not get caught by filch or any of the teachers doing rounds.

He was actually going to meet Petrova in the woods and oh god he was regretting it so much.

He walked into the clearing that petrova said specifically and it made him nervous. That he knew what this place was and why it was important.

Moreover, why was severus doing this AGAIN?
The first time didn't go great and this was a guaranteed mess so why was he even here.

A twig snapped behind him and severus basically jumped out of his skin.

Someone came running towards him and he had about 2 seconds to process who it was until they ran into him and got the wind knocked out.

" oh shit." They breathed and held onto Severus' arms tightly.

Again, less than 5 seconds until they looked up and severus realized it was Potter.

" what the fuck are you doing here?" Severus yelled and james slapped a hand onto his mouth.

" petrova is coming. Hide."

" hide? Why? Im not backing out now."  Severus said defensively but james just walked him backwards until his back hit a tree.

" petrova is coming. hes not alone." He whispered and a sense of fear came shooting down severus' spine.

" what the fuck does that mean?" He asked but before he could there was a large cloth draped over the two of them and footsteps were heard.

" Snape, I know you're here. I saw your little gryffindor friend scurrying towards here." He taunted and snape huffed.

" hes not my friend." Severus said irritably and james swallowed down the lump in his throat.

" where has he gone?" A familiar voice asked.

James and severus looked up at petrova to see two people walk onto the same clearing as petrova.

He recognized all of them.

" Im assuming hiding like a coward." Mulciber snickered.

" didnt he run here that time we spilled water on him?"

" god hes such a wimp." Avery smirked and petrova gave them a stern glare.

" no wonder none of you have been able to recruit him. You treat him like a dog." He sneered.

" he got one thing right." James whispered, still pressed against severus in a means to protect him.

Severus rolled his eyes and slapped james' hand away from his mouth.

" Come on out Snape. Weren't you going to prove me wrong?" Petrova asked into the open field.

Severus sighed, heart racing as he stared at the three classmates that had every chance to abolish him.

And then he looked down at james who looked about ready to blow them up, or maybe run away with severus' hand firmly planted in his.

His heart ached for him.

" leave." Severus said and took james' face in his hands.

" what?" James barely whispered before severus had just grabbed him.

" leave." Severus said one more time before kissing james' forehead and letting go.

" wait what are you doing?" James said but before he finished severus had slid out from underneath the cloak, walking away from their hiding place.

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