Part 4

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" how did this even happen?" Lily asked as she cleaned up the area with a q-tip dipped in some antiseptic.

Even in a castle full of magic their muggle ways never wavered. It was easier anyway, safer than whatever concoction with terrible side effects Pomfrey was gonna give them.

" it was just a branch." Severus hissed at the stinging pain.

" a branch really? You have to be more careful when you go out into the woods like that."

Severus looked at lily with wide eyes as she just smiled reassuringly, as if keeping whatever severus did secret was an impossible task.

" yeah yeah i know all about your little disappearances into the woods. As long as you're not hurting anyone or youself, you can do whatever you'd like." She said as she cast a small healing charm on the now completely clean wound.

" there we go. Now it wont get infected."

" thank you lily."

" of course. Now, shall we go to dinner?" She asked as she stood up and held out a hand for him to use to get up.

He nodded, bringing his hand up to touch the now healing scar and walked with her down to the great hall.

As they entered he sighed in relief. It's only been about 5 minutes since dinner started so the tables were more scarce, still didn't stop almost half of the school from arriving in the first two minutes though.

They took a seat at the edge of Ravenclaw's table, finding it the most tolerant of the houses. Hufflepuff was also kind but at this point they had so many different houses mixed in they were overcrowding.

So Ravenclaw's it is.

" Hello Lily, hello Severus." A soft voice called as they took a seat next to lily.

" Pandora, good to see you as always." Lily smiled as she saw her friend.

" Wesia."

" Snape." Pandora nodded, knowing Severus liked the use of last names rather than first.

" where is Lovegood?" He asked.

" oh he's sick. Some nargles got to him and it's really messing with him." She looked down at the thought of him sick.

They have gotten rather fond, and she will admit her rather obvious crush on him would play a factor in her worry.

" im sure he'll be fine." Lily nodded, reassuring Pandora that the nargles couldn't have done too much damage.

" i hope so. He's already missed two days." She played around with her food, eyebrows knit close together.

" you can visit him in the infirmary you know. Pomfrey would allow you at least half an hour."

" thats a hope. Anyway, how have you two been?" Pandora looked at the two expectantly.

" oh nothing much, I've been trying to do the defense against dark arts spell, the one to ward off dementors but i still can't quite get it down." Lily shrugged.

" oh I've been struggling as well. Much harder than I anticipated."

" right?" The two girls agreed as severus watched from across them.

" i got it down." He said rather dismissively, opting to cut open his chicken pot pie.

The two stared at him with wide eyes unblinking, kind of unnerving with the green and silver eyes pointed at him.

Then they blew up in a frenzy of questions.

" what? How?! When?! Where?! Is that what you've been doing in the woods?" Lily asked sternly, pointing a finger at him to gather info.

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