Part 11

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Things were easier. Not as easy as james wanted it but easier.

He talked about Severus to remus sometimes and he could just tell Sirius felt left out. But he couldn't tell him he was crushing on the guy they took turns bullying for the better majority of their life.

So he kept him in the dark. He figured Sirius didn't have to know right now.

" did you see Severus yesterday?" Remus asked as he sat down next to him.

James nodded and hummed, a small smile creeping up on him.

" mhm. He brought me an orange. I didn't know what i was expecting but it was surprisingly sour." James shrugged.

Remus chuckled and nodded.

" well glad you had fun. Sirius kept asking where you were last night so i improvised and said you went to the infirmary. If he asks you had a stomach bug yesterday." Remus poked his shoulder.

James nodded and muttered a soft 'thank you.'

Just then the dorm doors flew open and Sirius stood on the other side with a wide grin.

" you, me, moony and wormtail. Outside now." He said as he pulled on their sleeves.

He was smiling happily and pulled them outside. When they went down the stairs, peter was standing there, bouncing on his heels.

" its finally above 12 degrees and the sun is out so lets go outside." Sirius explained and continued to drag them away.

James and remus shared a look but didn't say anything, just chuckled in amusement and ran with them to the courtyard.


" ugh its been so long since it was warm enough to walk outside without shivering." Remus sniffed the air and james couldn't help but think his wolf was showing.

Sirius was running around chasing peter in a game of impromptu tag while Remus and james walked behind them leisurely.

" it really has. I cant wait till summer, then it'll be even warmer."

" true."

The two of them made idle chatter, walking up the hill and saying hi to a few students who also decided to take advantage of the warm weather.

Sirius and wormtail were too busy making a ruckus and eventually the two if them ran up to catch up with the others.

" oh look. Snivilus is here." Sirius said with snark in his voice.

Once james heard him say Snivilus his mind was instantly on him.

His eyes darted around until he found Severus, sitting under the tree with lily not far from him.

They were talking amongst themselves but he saw how severus tried not to respond as much as lily did.

" they're busy we should go-"

" Oi Snivilus!" Sirius yelled and the two under the tree looked up at them.

" Padfoot dont-"

" Come on Prongs, its just a little teasing. It wont be long." Sirius smiled so wide james felt a little guilty.

Guilty for trying to stop this and even more guilty for what he was about to do. He couldn't possibly tell sirius no and risk having to tell him everything.

So he decided just one more prank until James pursued severus. Just one more to get it out of his system and then he'll be kinder to him.

One more chance to give himself more time.

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