Part 12

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He was running. Where was he running?

Oh yeah.

He ran into the forest, almost hitting his head on a few branches and was panting the whole way.

He found himself in the clearing again, this time panicking and feeling distraught instead of the usual relief.

Oh god what did he do.


" Padfoot that was too far!" Moony scolded as they paced around their dorm room.

" dont blame me! Hes the one who actually said it, its not my fault."

" i told you we should drop it but nooooo, you two just HAD to intervene." James threw his arms in the air and sirius stared at him with confusion.

" whats with you?" He asked and james looked back at him quickly.

" what?"

" whats it to you? Why are you on Snivilus' side? I assumed that since he's the guy we've HATED for 5 years and im your, oh i dont know, best friend that it would mean you would advocate for me."

" Sirius we just saw a 7 year friendship crumble because you pushed it too far."

" they were already drifting! Its not my fault he decided to call lily a mud-"

" OKAY." Moony yelled and the two stopped, staring at him.

" both parties were at fault but Padfoot you didn't have to keep pushing. And Peter what the hell." Moony referred to the fourth person in the room standing in the corner trying to disappear.

" w-what? He deserves it, he's a snake."

" see! Peter gets me." Sirius stood up and high fived him which only resulted in a harsh glare from Moony.

" i dont care, this was way out of pocket. Him saying that was way out of pocket. Everything about that situation shouldn't have happened." Moony flailed his arms and turned away from the rest.

Sirius flashes james a disgruntled glare and james just stayed staring into the wall.

I wonder how he's doing. Cant be good.

" im leaving." James decided and took his invisibility cloak as he ran towards the door.

" where are you going?" Sirius yelled behind him but he didn't answer, just ran down the stairs and into the common room.

He was trying to get to the forest as soon as possible.

He needed to see how he was.


Severus put a silencio on himself and was yelling every curse word he could think of. He was yelling loudly but nothing came out and he was thankful the silencio was actually working.

He didn't need to get hunted by centaurs as well.

Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck

He truly felt like he was breaking apart. He sat on the log with his head in his hands and his eyes screwed shut.

He wished today just didn't happen.

He heard a twig break and his gaze shifted to his side. He sighed in relief when he saw bambi, walking in tentatively as if he already knew everything that happened.

Its you.

He took off the silencio and the stag took small but steady steps towards him.

He almost flinched when he felt the soft side of the deers face nuzzle into him, digging his way into the crook of his neck.

It was comforting.

" thank you." He said softly and all the other did was huff into his shirt.

They sat like that for a while. Until eventually severus dozed off, head resting on the other.


" are you awake?" A voice asked him and severus flinched awake.

" how did i get here?" He asked as he looked around and realized he was in the slytherin common room.

He looked forward to see two people standing in front of him. Regulus and another kid who looked no older than 13.

" apparently you passed out in the forest. Its weird, Potter carried you here." Regulus shrugged and put his hands in his pockets.


" oh. Uh im sorry, must've been a burden."

" no no its fine. We couldn't leave you here in good conscience. Oh by the way this is Barty." Regulus pointed to the kid standing next to him.

" hi." He said politely and severus tried to remember where he'd heard that name before.

" barty? Like Barty Crouch?"

" yep. Thats my dad. Im the junior." Barty said unbothered.

Severus nodded and sat up, rubbing his eyes with a splitting headache.

" so we saw what happened by the tree. Pretty nasty fight." Regulus said quietly and sat down next to him. Barty leaned against one of the arm chairs and severus was wondering why they even bothered to stay any longer.

" yeah. Yeah it was."

" did you make up?"

" oh no. No she uh, said she could never forgive me so i think its done for good." Severus nodded glumly.

" well you dont need her. As you said she is just a mud-bloo-"

" barty." Regulus hissed in a low tone. Barty looked at severus and realized his mistake, saying a silent 'oh'.

" im sorry. Probably not the right time."

" yeah really not." Severus said harshly.

Barty pursed his lips and looked away, trying to avoid regulus' stare.

" um anyway we feel bad. Well I feel bad."regulus said and emphasized 'I' while looking at barty from the corner of his eye.

" why would you feel bad? It was all Black's fault-....oh. Right." Severus realized then looked down at his shoes.

Regulus gave a nervous chuckle and fidgeted with his hands.

" yeah. But um if he keeps bothering you, you can come to me. I know im just the younger brother but he listens to me. Surprisingly."

Severus huffed and nodded, making his mouth into a thin line and smiling softly.

" thanks. Ill keep that in mind."

" good. Anyway, we're gonna go to bed now, you ok alone?" Regulus asked as he stood up.

" yeah. I think i actually prefer it at the moment."

That sentence felt weird in his mouth. There was no sarcasm or malice laced with it, it was genuine and it was confusing. You could even see it on Regulus' face.

" ok then. Goodnight."

" goodnight."

Barty gave a small wave and followed regulus up to the dorms, the two disappearing in just a few seconds. And thus he was alone.

Severus leaned back against the leather sofa and sighed.

God. Even the furniture feels cold. Guess thats what you get when you live in the dungeons.

He never thought it would hurt this terribly. That it'd sting his heart like this but it did. He hurt lily, he hurt basically every muggleborn in the school and in the end he lost his best friend.

He loved lily. He really did.

But even so, at the moment the main thing coursing through his mind was what the hell was Potter doing carrying me from the forest?

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